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Trees for Tribals

Trees for Tribals, India

Our project aims to empower the Irula tribe in Tamil Nadu through tree planting initiatives. The Irulas, one of the earliest inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent, face significant socioeconomic challenges as a semi-nomadic, landless community with limited access to education and resources. These vulnerabilities leave them exposed to weather disasters. By creating employment opportunities, enhancing biodiversity, and improving their environment,

311,045 Trees funded of 350,000
1,419,512.656 T CO2 compensated
Plant from 1,50
Key elements
Project activities
The project is planting trees to re-establish forest cover in an area of forest that has been deforested.
Environmental benefits
Land restoration
Land restoration
The project repairs degraded land back into a healthy and productive land.
The project is managed without the use of agrochemicals or herbicides.
Social benefits
Food security
Food security
Through a selection of tree species generating edible by-products (fruit, nuts, seeds, edible leafs) the project contributes to improving nutrition of local communities and help the region becoming more resilient to famine.
Poverty relief
Poverty Relief
The project creates employment opportunities for poor local communities and reduces exposure and vulnerability to extreme weather events.
Environmental awareness
Environmental awareness
The project cultivates environmental education for adults and/or children to raise environmental awareness.
Indigenous tribes
Indigenous tribes
Project involves reforestation in protected areas supporting the life of indigenous tribes. Trees are planted by or with the tribes to further protect their habitat and way of living.
The planting team

GHG Reduction Standards

Tree-Nation Methodology

Project description

The Irular tribes, indigenous people living in Tamil Nadu, have traditionally relied on natural resources for their survival. However, they face numerous challenges due to climate change, weather-related disasters, and lack of employment opportunities. To address these issues, this project has been initiated to provide employment and livelihood support to rural communities through forestry.

The project aims to plant fruit-bearing species to enhance the living conditions of the locals, as well as tree species for fuelwood and minor forest produce to ensure economic sustainability. By converting wastelands and degraded lands into forests, the project seeks to reduce the pressure on forest resources and generate additional income for the tribal communities. Furthermore, the tree plantation will protect the local inhabitants from extreme weather conditions like heat waves by lowering the microclimate of the area.

Overall, the project aims to support the tribal & local communities' livelihoods, improve their living conditions, and promote sustainable forest management, ultimately contributing to the betterment of their lives and the environment.
