Join us to reforest the world

The simplest way for citizens and companies to plant trees around the world and offset their CO2 emissions


trees planted and counting...

On a mission to plant 1 trillion trees by 2050

There is no solving climate change without solving deforestation. Discover our Master Plan on how we aim to achieve this monster goal.


Trees planted today

Today's objective 12,903

23h 31min 28s left


Trees planted this month

This month's objective 400,000

4 days left


Trees planted this year

This year's objective: 8,000,000

278 days left

Start your forest

Plant trees around the world and track them all in one place.

We gather and coordinate reforestation projects worldwide to:

Stop deforestation

Each of our projects fights back against the alarming rates of global deforestation.

Fight climate change

Planting trees has been recognized by the scientific community as a vital pillar to tackle climate change.

Support local communities

Our projects also generate a positive economic impact on local populations.

A platform built for all

We make reforesting the world and fighting climate change easy. Here is how.

Plant & OfferTrees

Plant & offer trees around the world in a few clicks

Plant trees

From 0,30 € /tree

One time / Monthly / Yearly

Net ZeroCitizen

Get a monthly plan and offset your CO2 emissions in the easiest way

Net Zero Citizen

From 5 € /month


Net ZeroProduct

Gift trees to your customers with every product sold & offset its CO2 emissions.

Net Zero Product

From 0,35 € /tree


Net ZeroTeam

Get a monthly plan and offset the CO2 emissions of your team.

Net Zero Team

3 € /team member*


Net ZeroWebsite

Automatically compensate all the CO2 emissions your website generates.

Net Zero Website



Connect your company to the internet of trees

For every business action, we create an equal tree-planting reaction.

Start offsetting your products

Learn more

Start offsetting your team

Learn more

Start offsetting your website

Learn more

Offset anything using our API

Learn more

Technology may have caused climate change, but it can also solve it

Here is the impact on our journey to reforest the world.


Trees planted


Tonnes of CO2 offset


Net Zero Team members


Net Zero Product


Trees planted via API


Tree-gift emails sent

Unlock the Tree-Nation ecosystem

Discover our tools

Your personal forest

As a citizen or company, you have your own personalized forest! This is the place where you can see and collect all the trees you plant.

Your impact page

Every time you plant a tree, we meticulously calculate the amount of CO2 you offset to help you keep track of your impact.

Tree-Gift sending

On all occasions, trees make beautiful gifts. Tree-Nation delivers your customized Tree-Gifts via email or API. For friends, employees, or customers, they are always a success!

Tree certificate

Our digital trees serve as modern-day certificates for the trees we plant for you. Each tree on the ground has its unique digital tree.