Our project aims to reforest areas of the Amazon rainforest impacted by illegal deforestation. The loss of vegetation has caused severe environmental imbalances, and we are working to restore these regions. This effort is essential in combating climate change, biodiversity loss, and other environmental damage.
Rioterra is an organization founded in the Amazon 24 years ago, very aware and focused on the needs of the region, with great know-how in restoration, excellent relation with the local populations, NGOs and institutions with which it works. I have been collaborating with Rioterra since 2019, on a voluntary basis, and I am amazed about the results and capacity of impact of this organization, which has great leadership and expressive representation of women.
Fachwissen: Journalist, writer, consultant. Specialized in the Amazon, great forests, environment
Rioterra is a serious organization more than 20-years record on high diversity mxied species forest restoration engaging local communities in Southern Amazon. Their actions are located where they are needed the most: restoring in the arc of deforestation in the Amazon. Despite facing an hostile context for environmentalists, Rioterra has been achieving amazing results, restoring hundreds of hectares with local communities and reversing deforestation.
Rioterra team is composed of specialists in the broad fields required for large-scale restoration: environemntal educators, extensionists, foresters, nursery specialists, monitoring specialists, geotechnologists, managers, accountants and biologists, among others. Most of the team are from local people and many were capacitated by Rioterra itself.
Fachwissen: Forest and Landscape Restoration
The Centro De Estudos RioTerra is one of the most serious organization I have worked with in the field of Forest Landscape Restoration.
They have a very strong experience and a solid track-record built through more than 20 years of practice. Rio Terra develops excellent projects that address ecological, social and economic issues with innovative, carefully chosen and very-well executed strategies. I really appreciate the fact that their work is based upon strong environmental science and at the same time places stakeholder engagement at its center .
I enjoy working with them very much, and I wish them the best of success in their future projects!
Fachwissen: Forest Landscape Restoration practitioner & Payment for Ecosystem Services business specialist
Centro de Estudos Rioterra is one of the most serious non-governmental organizations in Brazil I know. I have known this institution and its managers for almost 10 years and I have noticed its exceptional degree of professional qualification and high ethical level. Its work, in addition to being technically serious, has a commitment to environmental quality and social responsibility with poor communities in the Amazon.
Fachwissen: Full Professor of Forest Management and Climate Change in Brazil
An immense effort has been made by the Rioterra Study Center to promote forest restoration in the State of Rondônia, southwest of the Brazilian Amazon. Thanks to their actions, thousands of hectares have been restored, with immense environmental benefits. In addition, the actions of the Rioterra Study Center have brought countless benefits to small rural producers in the region. Congratulations Rioterra for bringing hope back to the forest and the people of the Amazon!
Rio Terra is a very serious and highly qualified institution. We work in partnership with them. I know the field work they do. I have been to areas they have recovered and I guarantee that the work is done with quality and commitment.
Many people in Rondônia, um Amazon and Brazil have heard about Rioterra’s work! However, when you have the chance to get to know firsthand the work carried out and the positive impact on people’s lives, you REALIZE that Rioterra does much more and much better than they said! I had the chance to personaly visit some projects and listen to the beneficieries and public authorities present! Rioterra fills the hearts of all Rondônia’s people with honor! Thank you Rioterra for everything and best whises for sucess always! Amazon needs you!
An amazing project dedicated to fighting deforestation and restoring areas that have been illegally logged.
An immense effort has been made by the Rioterra Study Center to promote forest restoration in the State of Rondônia, southwest of the Brazilian Amazon. Thanks to their actions, thousands of hectares have been restored, with immense environmental benefits. In addition, the actions of the Rioterra Study Center have brought countless benefits to small rural producers in the region. Congratulations Rioterra for bringing hope back to the forest and the people of the Amazon!
We at Jabuti Filmes had the opportunity to shoot the actions of one of the CES-Rio Terra projects and to check closely the quality and importance of the institution for the southeast region of the Amazon.
Lieber undefined,
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