Habitat Recovery & Kindness

Habitat Recovery & Kindness, Vereinigte Staaten


Our project started in the foothills of the Pocono Mountains, minutes from the Delaware River. Previously a commercial farm and junk yard, we made it our mission to clean and restore our land as a safe and thriving home for native wildlife and the critters of our animal rescue as well. We felt so inspired taking on this endeavor that we have decided to expand. We are now restoring forests across the globe.

14,472 von 15,369 Bäumen finanziert
6,825.68 T CO2 kompensiert
3,114 Follower
Oktober 2019

Here at Habitat Recovery & Kindness Project we are currently gearing up to meet our goals! To be exact, we have hydroponic equipment to support 34,992 saplings at once, gifted by our friends at Bowery Farms!

We are about to take this to the next level!

Stay tuned to see the

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03 Okt. 2019
Jennifer Billig
Jennifer Billig · vor 5 Jahren

Thank you for the efforts that you're making. As a Pennsylvanian, I am so gla...
