Climate Smart Forests Transylvania

Climate Smart Forests Transylvania, Rumänien

We are restoring the wind-damaged forests of Transylvania to increase their resilience against the impacts of climate change. The disruption of conditions that forests have adapted to over centuries has left them vulnerable and prone to further deterioration. By reintroducing oak species and replanting with native trees, we aim to strengthen these forests to withstand future changes and conserve the natural habitat of many local animals.

13,162 von 20,000 Bäumen finanziert
1,120.1 T CO2 kompensiert
467 Follower
Pflanzen ab 2,20
Juni 2024

Two next-door neighbors of the oak seedlings: the badger and the astonished bear.
Pictures were taken by our camera trap mounted at this point:

19 Juni 2024
Oriana Medina TN
Oriana Medina TN · vor 9 Monaten

