Daintree Life Revegetation

Daintree Life Revegetation, Australien

Our project restores key areas like old service roads and weedy reserves to increase habitat for wildlife such as Southern Cassowaries and Bennetts Tree-kangaroos. We select sites based on access, community input, and their potential for creating wildlife corridors. Our goal is to plant 500,000 indigenous trees by 2030, with nearly 20,000 already planted since 2018 to help regenerate the Daintree Rainforest.

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April 2024

Photographed hiding in the trees of one of our planting areas - an adult Southern Cassowary. The trees were planted five years ago and this one has been observed eating native fruits from two species in that area.

24 Apr. 2024
Heilvolle Impulse
Heilvolle Impulse · vor einem Jahr

