Daintree Life Revegetation

Daintree Life Revegetation, Australien

Our project restores key areas like old service roads and weedy reserves to increase habitat for wildlife such as Southern Cassowaries and Bennetts Tree-kangaroos. We select sites based on access, community input, and their potential for creating wildlife corridors. Our goal is to plant 500,000 indigenous trees by 2030, with nearly 20,000 already planted since 2018 to help regenerate the Daintree Rainforest.

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April 2020

7000 trees. Yesterday we hit a milestone of 7000 trees in total planted since November 2018 - less than 18 months. Connie is pictured here planting the 7000th tree - a Deplanchea tetraphylla.

14 Apr. 2020

Another 49 trees planted today on the Buchannan Creek Road project and we finished planting them just in time for some rain that fell. Here Dave is planting an Archontophoenix alexandrae (Alexandra Palm). Please help support us to keep planting more trees to create valuable habitat

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11 Apr. 2020

Connie planting a Cananga odorata (Ylang Ylang) tree today on the Buchannan Creek Road project.

05 Apr. 2020

50 trees planted today. An additional 50 trees have been planted on the 120H Buchannan Creek Road project today. This is a prime Bennetts Tree Kangaroo corridor area and with this narrow road reserve strip being planted it reduces Douglas Shire Council maintenance of road side on

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05 Apr. 2020
März 2020

Species Highlight - these are the fruits of the Hairy Red Pittosporum (Pittosporum rubiginosum). These beautiful understory plants are a regular addition to many of our planting area. With prolific fruiting they are a great bird attractant to our sites and with the birds coming into

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31 März 2020

In these challenging times, the weeds don't stop growing, and maintenance goes on. This photograph was taken today with Dave hard at work. Appropriately socially distanced from anyone (except Connie) and trimming the edge of one of our planting areas with 'snippy' the brushcutter.


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31 März 2020

These trees are ready and waiting to be planted. With the current Covid19 shut down of many areas we cannot invite others to plants trees with us, however - we Daintree Life will continue planting trees regularly. These trees are funded and ready to be planted on the Buchannan Creek

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26 März 2020
Mae Wilson
Mae Wilson · vor 5 Jahren

Best wishes for your project

One of our resident Cassowaries. Southern Cassowaries are a vulnerable species found in Far North Queensland. All of our plantings add to food resource for theses magnificent birds and in areas that we have planted previously, we see regular evidence that Cassowaries have passed

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26 März 2020
Adam Druett
Adam Druett · vor 5 Jahren

would love to visit the reserve in the future. 

We use a petrol driven post hole auger to drill all our holes. Here is Dave drilling holes previously on our Silkwood Road project. On average we can dig around 100 holes per hour using this method.

26 März 2020

Our work would not be possible without the support and approval of our local Douglas Shire Council. We are pleased to be able to share this reference written by the CEO with you.

18 März 2020
Lushoto district planning office


Silkwood Road Project
Our Silkwood Road project is a long roadside reserve area measuring 650 meters and averaging 13 meters wide. It is on a quiet residential road that sees only a few vehicles a day travelling along it very slowly and is bordered on the other side by a working

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18 März 2020

Why plant in the Daintree

The Daintree Rainforest is a World Heritage listed area and the oldest rainforest on earth, and is also Australia's most diverse ecosystem; it is h...


Silkwood Road Project. These good friends from Melbourne visited in September 2019 and helped plant some of the Silkwood Road site - which already has 1175 trees planted spanning 180 meters. A big thumbs up and huge thanks to Bev and Paul. 570 meters and 3014 trees to go to complete

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12 März 2020

Yesterday I visited our first planting site. This was planted 14 months ago as seedlings averaging about 50 cm tall, now some of these trees have reached well over 2 meters and are creating canopy, shutting out light to weeds. This site is already basically weed free due to this

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12 März 2020

We love having supporters come and plant trees when they visit our projects. This is Nick who was doing a bicycle tour along the east coast of Australia, highlighting sustainable projects in Australia. He visited our sites and planted a few trees in the Silkwood Road project. This

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11 März 2020
Laurene Hull
Laurene Hull · vor 5 Jahren

Very important work
