Trees for Slender Loris

Trees for Slender Loris, Indien

Our project aims to create safe habitats for the Grey Slender Loris by planting native trees. Habitat loss from tree-felling has reduced their food sources, shelter, and protection, leading to a population decline. Since these primates rely on continuous forest canopies, fragmentation isolates them, further threatening their survival. Through reforestation, we aim to restore their habitat and support their survival.

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November 2023

Ta Da- growing Tall. This sapling was 2 ft when it was planted now its almost 5.5. How fast they grow. But a life and growth cycle of a tree is 15- 20 years , this sapling still has a long long lonng way to go :)

Nature's marvels never cease to amaze. Yet, this is just the beginning

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19 Nov. 2023
Amanda Sanghvi
Amanda Sanghvi · vor einem Jahr

Thanks Rhea!
