Our project aims to plant over 5 million trees in key mangrove habitats to fight climate change and alleviate poverty. Overexploitation of mangroves, driven by local poverty, threatens Kenya’s coastline. We are restoring these ecosystems by establishing nurseries and planting trees, offering sustainable livelihoods to ease pressure on natural resources.
Mangrove forests are globally recognized as critical resources that supports biodiversity,livelihoods and economics. Despite their important role, the coverage area under mangroves is declining. Efforts from community groups such as COBEC are bringing back the ecological integrity of mangrove forests in Kenya. COBEC through community sensitisation, promotion of nature based enterprises and collaborations with government institutions,communities among others has contributed in rehabilitation,conservation and protection of mangrove forests in Kenya.
Fachwissen: Landscape ecology
COBEC uses community based approach (grassroots) in restoration, whereby they first understand the cultural context, traditional land use practices of the land and also assess the social economic status of the local community to deeply understand what making them to over-dependence on forest. after this COBEC come up with Nature-based solutions strategies whereby they come up with economic alternative whereby alternative livelihoods options such as beekeeping projects, agroforestry project, goat sharing projects amongst others. This kind of awareness will enlighten the communities there other livelihoods which are not dependent on forest thus reducing the illegal logging activities.
Capacity building: empowering local communities with the skills and knowledge why they need to manage their forests and livelihoods to reduce illegal logging.
Education and awareness-raising: awareness about negative impacts of illegal logging and importance of sustainable land use practices can help to change attitudes and behaviors among local communities.
COBEC also encourages the local community to register under Community-based forest management (CFAs): this approach involves giving local communities the legal rights and responsibilities to manage the forests in their area. This can help to reduce illegal logging by giving communities a vested interest in protecting the forest, and by giving them the tools and resources they need to do so.
Fachwissen: GIS Analyst/Researcher.
An initiative to restore the mangrove ecosystem in Mtwapa and Mida creeks is an initiative that means well to the human race. In the face of a changing climate system, this appears to be the most effective solution that will ensure our agricultural activities rewards effectively, fishery resources remain sufficient, and our resilience to climatic hazards is enhanced. Supporting a mangrove ecosystem restoration programs through planting, conservation or protection from destruction will guarantee great ecological, social, and economic benefits to the locals today and in the future.
We're really impressed with cobec work in Mangroves restoration. Poverty being the main contributor to deforestation, cobec addresses this challenge through providing alternative Livelihoods for the local communities in the area, involving them in planting activities and creation of awareness on importance of conservation. They have created a conservation groups in mida Creek by the name Mida Creek conservation community which brings together all communities involved in planting around the Mida Creek and also other stakeholders around to address the challenge faced in conservation in one table. Thank you Cobec and keep it up.
Mangrove forests belong to the most threatened habitats on the planet. Planting is crucial for mitigation climate change, as they are able to store carbon from atmosphere. Apart from that, they provide shelter for many animal species and are important for biodiversty. Thanks to COBEC project in Mida creek, mangrove ecosytem is being restored, helping both – the planet and the community.
Due to climate change and growing human activities, Mida Creek is losing ground as many other natural reserves. Thankfully, some organizations like COBEC are working hard to invert the process by enrolling communities in its protection and planting many trees at strategic locations.
Mida creek being Vastly Invested In Biodiversity will enrich the growth of the mangrove seedlings.I highly recommend the continuous growth of the Ongoing project.
Highly recommended as an example to be emulated.
Highly recommended as an example to be emulated.
Mangrove forests belong to the most threatened habitats on the planet. Planting is crucial for mitigation climate change, as they are able to store carbon from atmosphere. Apart from that, they provide shelter for many animal species and are important for biodiversty. Thanks to COBEC project in Mida creek, mangrove ecosytem is being restored, helping both – the planet and the community.
Mangrove ecosystem in Mida Creek is a rich ecological habitat for many living organisms. Overexploitation of mangrove forests has led to habitat loss. I highly recommend urgent restoration to bring back the lost biological diversity.
Having this project around mida creek has greatly revamped multiplication of the already existing biodiversity and hugely helped to attract more marine species in mida creek. Fish can find breed and find food easily and turtles can be frequently spotted foraging in the creek. This project will douptlessly help the communities living adjacent to the creek and Fisher communities a great deal in improving the livelihood.
I highly recommend this project at mida creek since it's a place rich in biodiversity. The act of restoring all the degraded areas by planting new mangrove seedlings will help in mitigating climate change, increase forest cover as well as protect our coastline areas.
I do highly recommend for Midacreek ecosystem is highly rich in biodiversity.The threat posed to the biodiversity by climatic changes require urgent mitigation measures.
Lieber undefined,
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