Wald von AirAllure

At AirAllure we believe it’s our responsibility to give back where we can, not only to you but also to the environment. That’s why we’ve partnered with Tree-Nation so we can plant more trees for a better world.

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12 Updates
Oktober 2020

Happy first week of October! We are celebrating by doing "Tricks with Trees"!

For our first trick, we will make our California forests reappear by turning this pile of trays to 5,488 trees!

08 Okt. 2020

We are savoring all the green at our Pennsylvania, USA planting site before Autumn colors sweep the forests before their sweet winter slumber.

What are you letting fall away this season?

01 Okt. 2020
September 2020

Trees and Bees!

Last week we lent a hand to a farming friend who just got into beekeeping. Their new buzzy friends will help pollinate the property's many food plants and trees.

This hive has been growing and needed a layer added. While I was checking the frames, I managed to

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01 Sep. 2020
Jennifer Billig
Jennifer Billig · vor 4 Jahren

Wow - this is amazing! I've never seen anything like this. Thank you so much ...

August 2020

Our "Wildfire Prevention Team" at our California planting site. Meet Silas, Millie, Franklin, Rose, and Samson!

These furry friends are employed keeping the grass and underbrush trimmed to protect our old growth Madrones, Ponderosa Pines, Douglas Fir, and Western Red Cedar from

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26 Aug. 2020

Photo update from our planting site, Ivy Reforestation Effort in Pennsylvania, USA. These fast growing species planted in 2019 are thriving!

These trees are helping phytoremediate contaminated soil on what used to be junk yard, breaking down chemicals and turning them back into

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26 Aug. 2020

Due to Covid19 unfortunately we were forced to stop any planting action since March 2020 because we don’t want to risk our volunteers’ health.

With this break in planting, we have used this time to bring assistance to those in need, successfully distributing 28 million meals to

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26 Aug. 2020
Markus Forster
Markus Forster · vor 5 Jahren

Thanks for your update Alyssa! Hopefully you can restart your planting soon.

Oktober 2019

Seed harvesting season is upon us! Here's the instructions we follow in accordance with the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations:

Store only new, mature, healthy and well-dried seeds.

Keep them in dry and cool place to extend their viability.

Seeds easily re-absorb

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20 Okt. 2019

We just placed an order for 324,000 tree seeds!

Get ready for us climate change and habitat destruction, we are coming for you!

07 Okt. 2019

In case you were wondering what it sounds like to be surrounded by coyotes!


They clearly are serenading us under the moonlight because they heard all the rumors about the lovely people planting lovely trees to build them new habitat.

Nature is gracious, and so

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06 Okt. 2019
Françoise DEBOLD
Françoise DEBOLD · vor 5 Jahren

Great to hear the coyotes 🐺🐕🐾🐾We can't do that here in France

Here at Habitat Recovery & Kindness Project we are currently gearing up to meet our goals! To be exact, we have hydroponic equipment to support 34,992 saplings at once, gifted by our friends at Bowery Farms!

We are about to take this to the next level!

Stay tuned to see the

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03 Okt. 2019
Jennifer Billig
Jennifer Billig · vor 5 Jahren

Thank you for the efforts that you're making. As a Pennsylvanian, I am so gla...

Sometimes when you are kind to wildlife, wildlife comes to thank you! We are grateful for every opportunity to plant a tree for our marvelous little friends like this Yellow Warbler.


02 Okt. 2019
September 2019

This past weekend we held our first community planting event for Habitat Recovery & Kindness Project. With the help of about 35 beloved volunteers we managed to plant over 700 baby trees and more than 3,000 seeds. We also removed several trailers of garbage from this abandoned junkyard

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25 Sep. 2019