Agroforesterie et Boisement

Agroforesterie et Boisement, Frankreich

Our project aims to transform former agricultural fields into sustainable agroforestry systems. By combining agriculture with forestry, we reforest unused land and shift away from unsustainable farming practices. This approach reduces the use of pesticides and fertilizers, prevents erosion, enhances biodiversity, offsets CO2 emissions, and improves the health and livelihoods of local farmers.

184,232 von 250,000 Bäumen finanziert
22,680.935 T CO2 kompensiert
6,151 Follower
Pflanzen ab 2
Oktober 2024

A crucial step in reforestation: protecting young plants to ensure their growth. Each tree planted contributes to soil restoration and the creation of sustainable ecosystems. A concrete action for a greener future. 🌳

08 Okt. 2024