Reforest the Amazon Basin

Reforest the Amazon Basin, Brasilien

Our project aims to reforest areas of the Amazon rainforest impacted by illegal deforestation. The loss of vegetation has caused severe environmental imbalances, and we are working to restore these regions. This effort is essential in combating climate change, biodiversity loss, and other environmental damage.

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Mit 9 Updates verwandt SocialInclusion
September 2023

Among the seedlings that we use to promote forest restoration of areas is the Açaí, a species of palm tree native to the Amazon.
The fruits of the açaizeiro are widely used in the Amazonian regional cuisine and in recent years, the taste for the fruit has gained the appreciation

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22 Sep. 2023
SueM · vor einem Jahr

Açaí is quite popular here in Portugal - I drink a fruit infusion every day m...

Mai 2023

Our collaborator taking care of the seedlings in the nursery of CES Rioterra. We thank everyone who supports the reforestation of land in the Amazon Basin, especially our collaborators. Land restoration is one of the most efficient ways to mitigate global climate change.

05 Mai 2023
April 2023

This photo shows our collaborator collecting seeds.

04 Apr. 2023
Januar 2023

In our plantations we prioritize the hiring of residents of the communities surroundingthe restoration areas. In this way, it contributes to the diversification of the residents' source of income and the improvement of livelihoods.

27 Jan. 2023
Dezember 2022

Preparation of seedlings in packages to go to planting sites.

19 Dez. 2022
April 2022

2.220 trees were planted at the Sitio Esperança farm of 2 ha, located in a legal reserve (RL) near the town of Machadinho D'oeste. The picture shows farmer Luiz Moreira da Silva planting these trees a few weeks ago.

25 Apr. 2022
Thomas Gugger
Thomas Gugger · vor 2 Jahren


3063 trees were planted at the Sitio Castanheira farm of 2,76 ha, located in a permanent preservation area (APP) near the town of Itapuã do Oeste. This picture shows farmer Arnaldo Soares do Nascimento at work preparing the holes for the trees with his "cavadeira manual".

25 Apr. 2022
Thomas Gugger
Thomas Gugger · vor 2 Jahren


1.630 trees were planted at the Sitio Esperança farm of 1,47 ha, located in a permanent preservation area (APP) near the town of Machadinho D'Oeste. This pictures shows farmer Jean Carlos Jose Duarte when he received the saplings.

25 Apr. 2022
Thomas Gugger
Thomas Gugger · vor 2 Jahren


During this 2021 / 2022 planting season we successfully planted 30.654 trees at 10 different smallholder farms in the state of Rondônia (next to the towns of Machadinho D'oeste, Itapuã do Oeste and Cujubim) in order to reforest part of their degregated farm land.

25 Apr. 2022
Thomas Gugger
Thomas Gugger · vor 2 Jahren

