Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects, Madagaskar

Our project aims to restore Madagascar’s mangroves and upland forests through large-scale reforestation efforts. This initiative addresses habitat loss, improves biodiversity, and helps combat climate change by restoring these critical ecosystems.

25,349,005 von 30,825,540 Bäumen finanziert
2,147,483.647 T CO2 kompensiert
348,505 Follower
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Star Dream Studio
Star Dream Studio vor 2 Monaten

Will I be notified in the future of the trees planted under this project?

Transports Puaud
Transports Puaud vor 7 Monaten

Bonjour, dans le cadre de notre entreprise, nous contribuons pour cette année 2024 à hauteur de 12000 plants de palétuviers, je voulais savoir quelle superficie de plantation correspond une plantation de 12000 plants. Merci d'avance

Hello there,

I would like to know the maintenance cost or who will be handling once its planted.

fabio vor 2 Jahren

Hi. great work you are doing. did I correctly read, that 17mio trees are funded, but just 15mio trees are planted!? by when will the 2mio trees be planted? ... and yes, I would like to visit the location as well. ideally I want to see the geographical coordinates as well the address (if existing) on my certificate! trust through transparency is key!

Hello! Thank you for your question! There is an 18 month window from when trees are funded before we may do the planting. Planting site visits are only available for corporate partners at a the Grove Level and above. We share coordinates of planting sites directly with tree-nation, the coordinates are not shared publicly for safety of our planting teams.

Chris Yang
Chris Yang vor 2 Jahren

How to visit the plantations ?
There is no message under "About" menu .

Hello! Thank you for your question. The opportunity to visit our project sites opens up for our business partners once they have reached a cumulative funding level of $50,000.00.

Karin wardle
Karin wardle vor 2 Jahren

Someone sent me a link to plant a tree they gifted me here but I can’t see how.

Hello! We would recommend contacting tree-nation directly: https://tree-nation.com/contact-us

Mamoon Ali
Mamoon Ali vor 3 Jahren


Can you please let me know who owns the land where the plantation is being done?

Hello! Thank you for your question. This land is government owned.

Can I use your pictures and wording for promoting on my website and social networking

Hello! These types of requests need to go through tree-nation directly. Please be aware there is a contractual agreement that Eden needs to be identified as the planting organization anytime our photos are displayed.

Pierre Bertucat inc.

Félicitation, la mangrove c’est la vie dans les mers et sur terre. N’oublions pas aussi les arbres pour les lémuriens. Bonne réussite.

Thank you Pierre for your nice message! We are also planting thousands of trees in the center of Madagascar which the lemurien will appreciate a lot :)


Bravo pour ce beau projet et espérons que tous les îles vanille du trapèze des Mascareignes continueront à protéger leur belle biodiversité. Bon courage et bonne continuation.

Merci pour vos aimables paroles et votre soutien!

Le Carré de Service

Bravo pour ce superbe projet, vous pouvez compter sur nous pour vous aider.
Nous sommes aussi sur une démarche de plantation notamment avec le potager qui fournit notre restaurant.

Merci beaucoup!!!

Britney Hackney
Britney Hackney vor 5 Jahren

Hi there,
Just wondering why it says at the top there that there are 0 trees planted, when a month or two ago I purchased 100 for your cause?
Kind Regards,

Hi Brit,
I'm sorry we didn't see this question sooner. We are fairly new to the platform and just discovered the Q & A section. We thought we were being notified of all activity on our page. You have asked a great question. Unfortunately, I am not sure of the answer and will need to ask the team at Tree-Nation to let both of us know why the tree counter has not been advancing. The only thing I can think of is that because the funds are sent to us in batches, Tree-Nation may be waiting to update the tree count until they send the funds for each batch. I will try to find out more.

Pedro Gaspar
Pedro Gaspar vor 5 Jahren

Hello. The counter is still 0. Any news on this?

Maxime Renaudin
Maxime Renaudin vor 5 Jahren

Hi Britney, Pedro,
the first batch of trees, approximately 129700, were planted already.
This will be updated very soon in the project details.
More trees are coming too in the coming months.

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