El bosque de Daintree Life

Daintree Life is planting trees in the heart of the Daintree Rainforest, in tropical north Queensland, Australia - the oldest rainforest on earth. Our aim is to plant 500,000 trees by 2030, to increase habitat and food resource for our iconic wildlife, such as Southern Cassowaries, Bennetts Tree-kangaroos, and a myriad of wildlife, some of which is found no where else on earth. We started planting in November 2018 and have already planted 7000 trees.

Árboles 2
Seguidores 9
Siguiendo 12

Plantar una nueva semilla

Plantar una nueva semilla

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+30 Gotas de agua


Mar, 23 +12
Mar, 24 +15
Mar, 25 +8
Mar, 26 +15