Daintree Life Revegetation

Daintree Life Revegetation, Australia

Our project restores key areas like old service roads and weedy reserves to increase habitat for wildlife such as Southern Cassowaries and Bennetts Tree-kangaroos. We select sites based on access, community input, and their potential for creating wildlife corridors. Our goal is to plant 500,000 indigenous trees by 2030, with nearly 20,000 already planted since 2018 to help regenerate the Daintree Rainforest.

3,391 Árboles financiados de 4,678
7,480.1 T CO2 compensado
774 Seguidores
Plantar desde 10
febrero 2023

Southern Cassowary footprint in our latest planting area. Given the size and location, we think this is a juvenile travelling with his or her dad (called Steve). In this section we just planted another 150 trees which will all help feed cassowaries in the future.
Keep on planting

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16 feb. 2023