La Pedregoza

La Pedregoza, Colombia


Our project focuses on afforestation and reforestation in the Orinoco River basin of Colombia. The goal is to create long-term economic sustainability for the nearby natural reserve, which is dedicated to conserving local flora and fauna. We achieve this by employing natural farming techniques that support both the environment and the surrounding communities.

230,683 Árboles financiados de 229,488
79,047.95 T CO2 compensado
4,243 Seguidores
julio 2024

La Perdregoza Tree Nursery is thriving with thousands of seedlings in full germination. The rainy season is well underway, and the seedlings respond to it instinctively.

Watching these dormant seeds burst into beautiful seedlings within weeks is truly magical. Such incredible energy

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03 jul. 2024
RAHELYNN DEL PUERTO · hace 12 días

Compromiso con nuestro futuro generacional

junio 2024

The Igua nauno seedlings are currently thriving in the heat under the shade of the tree nursery. These young trees are being carefully nurtured and are awaiting transplantation into the soil of La Pedregoza. With the rainy season going well we are able to start planting soon as this

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26 jun. 2024
abril 2024

Visitors to La Pedregoza are always fascinated with the Merecure fruits which up close have the appearance of speckled bird eggs.

Licania pyrifolia or Merecure tree is native to the Orinoco river basin and considered potentially vulnerable. The fruits seen here are nearly ready

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26 abr. 2024
David Ruffini
David Ruffini · hace 9 meses


The sun is scorching hot at La Pedregoza this year and the temperatures have been pushing these days beyond 40°C to reach even 42°C (107°F) in the shade!!!

Our workers in Pedregoza are very dedicated to seedling survival especially during heat waves and a wellness and survival check

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07 abr. 2024
marzo 2024

When you stand before the Saladillo blanco tree (Vochysia lehmannii) with its brilliant yellow flowers rising above the canopy of all the other trees in La Pedregoza, one can sense why this tree truly belongs to the rare and magnificent species of this region.
While Saladillo is

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31 mar. 2024

With the expansion of planted trees in Pedregoza, it is only natural that wild animals like the Sainos are travelling through our newly created forests. Called the Saino in Spanish this wild pig like animal is known as a collared peccary and has it’s own family classification of

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04 mar. 2024
febrero 2024

It is time to get ready for the nursery and tree planting season of 2024 at La Pedregoza!

The first step is identifying appropriate land for different tree species and mapping out the details like topography and waterflow within the soon to be forest.

Inside La Pedregoza’s

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29 feb. 2024

Pinus Caribaea

Although here at La Pedregoza we prefer to plant, when possible, with native trees, the growth of our Caribbean Pine plantations has been undeniabl...

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Here is a photo of the true heroines of Pedregoza, the Cow Goddesses. The Holy Cow, the Zebu cow (Bos indicus) is worshipped as a Cow Goddess in India because she comes to rescue the planet after it is destroyed and devoid of any vegetation. From the results we have seen, we feel

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18 feb. 2024

Orinoco Sassafras (Ocotea Cymbarum) is an endangered native tree on the IUCN Red List due to previous irresponsible logging practices to extract safrole oil, a root beer ingredient used for its pleasant odor, and to harvest the wood for fine furniture and boat building.


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01 feb. 2024
enero 2024

Jefferson is a promising young man with a joyful passion for tree planting that goes above and beyond the average every chance he gets and has seen him quickly rise to a position as a farm administrator.

Here he is encouraging an Albizia Saman seedling to grow into what one day

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12 ene. 2024
diciembre 2023

While we all debated about having a Christmas's tree post of some sort it was rather difficult to decide which tree should get the attention this year until we came across this stunning red and green side by side and knew we had found our answer.

We are not certain what the red

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25 dic. 2023

The dry season has started and the first fruits of the Cashew trees are appearing, bringing a big smile to Jordan, one of our wonderful and dedicated workers.

Jordan is delighted to gather up these early fruits which he will use to make a refreshing cashew fruit juice drink,

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21 dic. 2023
Oriana Medina TN
Oriana Medina TN · hace un año


Sussan a 22 year old Indigenous woman works in both our office and plantation coordinating our logistics, ordering, buying and the receiving of materials required for tree planting.

Her 9 year old son, who has some learning disabilities, is allowed to be beside his Mom in the office

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15 dic. 2023
noviembre 2023

Now that planting season has ended we can use the final remaining damp in the ground to dig and prepare the first phase of a new restoration area for next year. The tractor is equipped with a ditch digger and single line ditches are made to initiate our soil addition process.


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29 nov. 2023
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