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Mlola Biodiversity Restoration

Mlola Biodiversity Restoration, Tanzania

Our project focuses on restoring biodiversity by engaging local communities in education and tree planting. The Usambara Mountains' forests have suffered from deforestation due to agricultural expansion and logging. We are working to restore these forests by planting native trees and raising environmental awareness in nearby villages.

56,641 Árboles financiados de 70,000
17,762.36 T CO2 compensado
964 Seguidores
Plantar desde 0,50
32 Reseñas Totales
3 Reseñas de Expertos
23 Reseñas de Ciudadanos

3 Reseñas de Expertos

HYASINT 2 years ago

CO2 Offset in the atmosphere

This project progress seems to impact positively in the atmospheric condition since a single tree planted approximately absorb about 150kgs of CO2 per year. So the number of trees planted is directly proportional to the balance of atmospheric gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide). Thus, this project deserves the critical support for the best future of the planet.

Especialidad: Forest management issues

Paulo ngao
Paulo ngao 2 years ago

Participate in biodiversity return through planting tree

This project came to restore our Flora and fauna hence it deserves our efort and support to succeed the intended goals for our world. It comes to restore the beautiful of our environment through green shadow. Thus I invite all people for technical and finencial support on its implementation.

Especialidad: Environmental issues

Bahati Rajabu
Bahati Rajabu 2 years ago

Combating climate change through COP27

Dear Ruseo team! I am very eager to see that you are very committed to join the effort of COP27, in planting trees to prevent and combat the climate change. I really appreciate and sincerely wishing you the best with your project because the output of it is not only for yourself but, for the benefit of our world at large.

Especialidad: Forester

3 Reseñas de Empresas

ACEES Tanzania
ACEES Tanzania 2 years ago

Biodiversity restoration is Highly Needed

Mlola area is one of the areas in The Usambara Mountains Tanzania which receives less rain and makes it one of the most vulnerable and complex ecosystems in the area. Therefore a well-planned and structured restoration initiative is highly needed in the area and that can only be accomplished through Mlola Biodiversity Return as they have enormous experience and knowledge of the biophysical characteristics of the area. further, they have tree species that are native to the area with high potential growth rates. With this regard, I recommend MBR to you for consideration of funding support.

ACEES Tanzania
Reseña por:


Hamza Miraji
Hamza Miraji 2 years ago


Actually this project is great, congratulations team RUSEO for this initiative. With the increasing number of industrialization activities throughout the world, there is large negative impacts towards our environment due to high production of carbon that destroys the environment. RUSEO initiatives helps to reduce these impacts in the end so we reccomend the project to be supported by many people so as to contribute in their efforts.

Hamza Miraji
Reseña por:

Themi Valley Eco and Cultural Tourism Homestay

Hamza Miraji
Reseña por:

Themi Valley Eco and Cultural Tourism Homestay

Support NBS (Nature Based Solution) on environmental conservation

What a pleasant surprise to hear about your project MBR (Mlola Biodiversity Return)! They are doing an amazing job on NBS (Nature Based Solution) in the Usambara Mountains to restore and conserve nature. Our mother earth deserves our support for a brighter future.

Friends of Usambara Society
Reseña por:

Friends of Usambara Society

3 Reseñas de Visitas

Hamza Miraji
Hamza Miraji 2 years ago


It's really a big project RUSEO team is doing of conserving environment through planting trees around Mlola area. I really reccomend this project to be supported as is really going to change the world to be a better place to live especially in this era of industrialization where the environment has been polluted so much. I wish you all the best towards your goals.

Peter Johnson Ndaki

Supporting environmental conservation

This project is positively to our environment. People should encourage to engage in environmental conservation matters


Nature concervasion

Dear ladies and gentlemen, the project is sweet and very serious in stepping forward to the environmental conservation. It's not a story but action since it has good management and enough skills to manage the project. The interesting thing is that they insure the survival of trees

23 Reseñas de Ciudadanos

Chamoto mashaallah
Chamoto mashaallah 2 years ago

Conservation programs support

This project is sincerely beloved by the people in this area. I recommend that the world support eyes should see it for more success because it's outcome benefits all over the world.

Hamida alfani
Hamida alfani 2 years ago

Support conservation

This project initiative is real attractive. I recommend that I will do follow up and support it forever because it is interesting.

Hamida alfani
Hamida alfani 2 years ago

Love our nature

This project shows a critical love to our nature and it's team practice what we needed all to do. I recommend that it's perfect and we should take this as example for all of us because the the environment need our care.



It can help to overcome the problems of deforestation and it help for reforestation.



The project is good because help to overcome deforestation, I can encourage others to join in this project for protect our environment for feature.


Conserve the natire

This project has a multiple outcome in this planet. I recommend that it could be supported by majority for its prosperity inorder to serve the nature.


Environmental conservation for good heath

This project is going to validate with the global condition in balancing the atmospheric gases. I recommend it positively as a server of global warming because it is going to increase number of trees which will absorb more co2 kgs from the atmosphere.


Conservation for beter life

This project is going to support the accomplishment of international objectives as it aims to combut global warming at the same time creates habitat for the lost biodiversity ( Flora and fauna) . thus it deserves our kind support due to its uniqueness on this area.

Anonymous 2 years ago

Plant tree to improve organism habit

This project is playing a great role in increasing the natural habit of existing and pre existed organisms . Thus it should contenuosly exist for the great outcomes.

Mussa Mdoe
Mussa Mdoe 2 years ago

Biodiversity for our self

The project is excellent because it's real that planting trees is the best way to restore the lost biodiversity. I recommend this project to continue exist for the best habitats of the lost species of animals birds and insects.

Elias Kattesy
Elias Kattesy 2 years ago

Concervation for big result

This project is important and its implimentation is just a planet security. I recomend it positively for this area since its truely exelent for both environmental, social and economic purposes.


Conservation project for our natire

Environmental conservation like this play an important role in balancing the atmospheric gaseous.I recomend this project to be taken with great recognisation since it gives hope for future of our world.

Hubert E makundi
Hubert E makundi 2 years ago

Biodiversity conservation for bater of our life

The project progress is my happiness and I recommend it to reach goals for more local and international support because it is going to achieve the international objectives of combining global warming.

Joseph Frank mongi
Joseph Frank mongi 2 years ago

Environmental conservation support

This project is termed as a civilization means on environmental issues for the local people of the region. I recommend that all of us would participate on its prosperity because its benefit is for all.


Conversation project support

This project is well relating to this environment and I recomend it as the best to be supported because it's suitable like ever before


Environmental consevation

It's good project program for the future of our world, since planting a single tree means balancing the natural atmospheric gases in air l. Invite all people to join the effort

Abdallah sheshe
Abdallah sheshe 2 years ago

Support environmental health

This project is truely active and need our support so I would like to call the international recognition on its existance for bater life of living things.

Ally Mohamed Mbwana

Evironmental concervation campain

This project is good for our nature. I recomend to make it as an international campaign because it will supports our long term survival.


Biodervasity conservation for nature

The project programs has a tangible result at a recent and future. I want use this opportunity to envite others to support it because it's for our life at recent and future since it makes the world a better place for all living organisms

Hamisi kissu
Hamisi kissu 2 years ago

Supporting environmental projects

This project is environmental based project. It's Bater for us to join this effort because going to have positive impact to our life.

Muzihiri Sekavumo
Muzihiri Sekavumo 2 years ago

Environmental conversation

This project is relevant to the environment and is likely to get airporters because it will benefit the local society and world at Lange.


Coservation is batter for our life

Thi project is unique on this area, do the people are well mobilized and impressed to be a part of it. I call the international support for the great outcome/


This project is super!

This project is relevant to Mlola Ward and other areas of Lushoto District. It enable people adapt to climate change and increase the uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide so as to reduce global warming.
