Trees for Tribals

Trees for Tribals, India

Our project aims to empower the Irula tribe in Tamil Nadu through tree planting initiatives. The Irulas, one of the earliest inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent, face significant socioeconomic challenges as a semi-nomadic, landless community with limited access to education and resources. These vulnerabilities leave them exposed to weather disasters. By creating employment opportunities, enhancing biodiversity, and improving their environment,

311,068 Árboles financiados de 350,000
1,419,516.706 T CO2 compensado
12,385 Seguidores
Plantar desde 1,50
5 Reseñas Totales
1 Reseñas de Expertos
3 Reseñas de Ciudadanos

1 Reseñas de Expertos

Santosh Prajapat
Santosh Prajapat a year ago

Best for climate restoration

Hi, I am Santosh Prajapat qualified by MBA, Operation Mngt working as Project Coordinator for Carbon Neutrality.
Trees for Tribals is a remarkable project for uplifting the socio economical condition of tribal communities across the project area. Since very ancient time Forest, Water, & land are the primary need for tribal communities. The project is helping themselves for restore their natural habitats, increase water table, and on other hands its helpful to fulfill their basic need.

Especialidad: Carbon Neutrality, Carbon Credit, aforestation

1 Reseñas de Empresas


A great project for good!

We are planting trees to represent our working relationship with clients. The tree symbolises the growth of your company with Solve and we can do this while helping the planet and people. This looks like a great project that will help the planet and people.

Solve (SEO & Web Design)
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Solve (SEO & Web Design)
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0 Reseñas de Visitas

3 Reseñas de Ciudadanos

Feeing boars, bears and benefiting the tribes

What an amazing traditionally designed project which supports substance, small scale farmers/hunters/gatherers by planting fruit trees that feeds wildlife and protects local crops.

Very good project to support and helping to complete

Excellent project planting trees and also helping to support local people needs, supporting fauna, food and indigenous tribes. Very affordable cost from 1 EuroI, Is a very popular project and almost 95% of trees planted.
Excellent variety of trees in special for nutritional and medicinal.
No feedback from project when you plant and no frequent project news but key ones.
I like as a great project. Is a great success.

Fabio Nattero
Fabio Nattero 3 years ago

Rewilding India

It is nice to see Indian projects, for this beautiful nation faced a terrible and not controlled deforestation in the last years. I can only be happy to see reforestation projects that are including and supporting the local communities. We have all to understand, from every single corner of this world, that we have to stand united to plant trees whener and everywhere we can.
