Net Zero Team

Get a monthly plan and offset the CO2 emissions of your team.

Add your workforce and customize your offset plan

Net ZeroTeam

3 € / employee / month*
What does this plan offset:

This plan offsets the emissions directly related to employees, like their office space, electricity at work, food, small office material and short distance travel.

*VAT will be added at checkout if applicable

More than 250 employees? Contact us.


Frequently Asked Questions

Net Zero Team, how does it work?

The Net Zero Team service allows you to offset all the CO2 emissions of your company that are related to your team. This program is suited for all types of businesses.

This program provides a simple way to estimate your emissions while still being accurate and adapting to the size of your company. For many service companies, with no physical production and most of their activities behind a desk, this will be the main center of emissions to offset.

The total annual emissions of an office-based employee averages between 3 and 3,6 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year. This average has been calculated based on the French analysis by Sinteo/ARSEG and then adapted to the European average.

On a monthly basis, Tree-Nation will plant your trees by carefully selecting the species that will offset the amount of CO2 corresponding to your chosen program.

Every month, each of your employees (or just you if you prefer) will be informed by email about the new trees we are planting for them. They will discover the species’ selection of the month, carefully selected by our Tree-Nation forestry experts. While having a strong focus on species well suited for carbon sequestration, our selection also aims to make your team discover new species and planting projects.