The forest of Olio Canelli

Gli alberi di ulivo sono il nostro asset fondamentale per fare un prodotto di eccellenza. Come azienda agricola biologica siamo attentissimi alla natura e dei suoi equilibri. Con questa iniziativa vogliamo rendere la nostra attività ancora più sostenibile piantando nuovi alberi dove serve di più nel mondo, con lo scopo di aiutare a ricreare gli ecosistemi che stiamo lentamente perdendo.

Trees 99
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827 updates
June 2017

It is like creating new lives! Seedlings rose to be planted in the nature reserves in western Usambara. This is one of the bigger tree nurseries funded by Friends of Usambara though Tree Nation and other contributors on the platform. The project is expected to rebuild the lost forest

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08 Jun 2017

Global warming and the general #climate_change do not respect ages, everyone suffers the same. Here is one of the school kids doing his share in combating these portents. He learns to manage a #school tree nursery which finally produces seedlings to be planted at his school compound

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08 Jun 2017

Close to the world environment day FoU and stake holders planted 6000 trees at Shume water source. This tree has been planted by Tree Nation donation received recently. The top awards for the year 2017 should goes to all contributors of trees donated via this plat form. We would

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05 Jun 2017
May 2017

Friends of Usambara Society in collaboration with Lushoto District Council is organizing special event for 5th June 2017, #WorldEnvironmentDay. The event shall involve hiking through the nature, enjoing it and finally plant trees around water source that serves fresh water to over

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30 May 2017

Its very crucial to include gender balance in the fight for climate change and its related impacts.

When comes to climate change vulnerability, women are more vulnerable than men simply because they are less mobile to escape extreme weather events caused by climate change such

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26 May 2017

It is like creating new lives! Seedlings rose to be planted in the nature reserves in western Usambara. Can you imagine that these will be big forest in the future? Keep donate to Tree nation to plant more trees with Friends of Usambara.

20 May 2017

A new step in 2017, preparing the ground for a take off! #School children at Kwesimu primary school getting final instructions before their practical lessons on tree nurseries establishment and planting. The best of it is to see this psychological transformation that creates a ready

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20 May 2017

Full Loaded! A few daily trips are made to transfer saplings to #Ndekai-Kwabonda and Kwemakame-Kwai planting sites. The agenda is still the same, simply to restore and protect Usambara Mountains’ #biodiversity. Usambara species have been vulnerable to socio-economic behavior for

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20 May 2017

We are planting million of trees simply because we like our #mountains and wants to make it green and the planet better place to leave. We thank you very much Tree Nation for their support as we would not made it without their support. Kindly keep supporting our tree project in

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20 May 2017

We are ready to change the world starting with the Usambaras, FoU and Tree Nation are working hard to empower the kids in primary #schools utilizing the available resources for the best use of nature and creates superb ambassadors who will take care the planet, thank you Tree-Nation

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20 May 2017

#FriendsOfUsambara Society joins with all people around the world to celebrate #MotherDay and appreciate the role of Mother in nurturing the World.

Mothers are at the center of all projects that FoU engages in. If you pay a visit to our field sites, you'll meet mothers of one or

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14 May 2017

Tree Nation Technology matters a lot to these smallholder farmers of Lushoto, they reside adjacent to Magamba Nature Reserves. By using native seedlings raised by school students, we work with these villagers to reforest parts of Magamba Nature Reserves.

Since over 90% of these

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14 May 2017
Friends of Usambara Society

However, as we're working to reduce people's dependence on forests produce, w...

Climate Change is really in Lushoto, Tanga Tanzania. We're currently experiecing extreme weather events mainly heavy rainfall accompanied by #floods and #landslides as well as rockfalls.

Highways are blocked, cars are accidentally crashed by landslides. Ongoing Heavy rainfalls

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11 May 2017
Halidi Daffa
Halidi Daffa · 8 years ago

Nice work Friends of Usambara. Keep reforesting!

Every year, Tanzania loose 500,000 hectares of forests due to deforestation. This is the most challenging anthropogenic practices that Friends of Usambara works to stop through reforesting and offers sustainable altenatives.

We consider these practices as most challenging simply

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11 May 2017
Friends of Usambara Society

Its hardly possible to match such destruction of forests, but we play our par...

March 2017

The global environmental crisis that we’re facing can make our individual efforts seem completely futile. The unprecedented scale of our problems makes us feel insignificant and can discourage some of us from taking action, while pushing others to deny the very existence of the crisis.

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12 Mar 2017