Project: Eden Reforestation Projects, Madagascar
In the heart of northwest Madagascar, another planting site bears witness to the transformative power of reforestation. Our team has worked tirelessly to combat deforestation, this once barren landscape now teems with life.
Owner of the terrain:
Avicennia marina Planted
Ceriops tagal Planted
Bruguiera gymnorhiza Planted
Rhizophora mucronata Planted
Rhizophora mucronata Expected
Avicennia marina Expected
Ceriops tagal Expected
Bruguiera gymnorhiza Expected
Rhizophora mucronata Planted
Bruguiera gymnorhiza Planted
Ceriops tagal Planted
Avicennia marina Planted
Bruguiera gymnorhiza Expected
Avicennia marina Expected
Ceriops tagal Expected
Rhizophora mucronata Expected
Rhizophora mucronata Planted
Bruguiera gymnorhiza Planted
Ceriops tagal Planted
Avicennia marina Planted
Avicennia marina Expected
Ceriops tagal Expected
Bruguiera gymnorhiza Expected
Rhizophora mucronata Expected
Rhizophora mucronata Planted
Avicennia marina Planted
Ceriops tagal Planted
Bruguiera gymnorhiza Planted
Rhizophora mucronata Expected
Avicennia marina Expected
Ceriops tagal Expected
Bruguiera gymnorhiza Expected
Birth of the plantation Kandrany 1 (2023)
26 May 2023