Agroforesterie et Boisement

Agroforesterie et Boisement, França

Our project aims to transform former agricultural fields into sustainable agroforestry systems. By combining agriculture with forestry, we reforest unused land and shift away from unsustainable farming practices. This approach reduces the use of pesticides and fertilizers, prevents erosion, enhances biodiversity, offsets CO2 emissions, and improves the health and livelihoods of local farmers.

184,299 Árvores financiados de 250,000
22,682.505 T CO2 Compensado
6,156 Seguidores
Plantar desde 2
dezembro 2024

🌳 A step towards the future 🌱

This young sapling, carefully planted and protected, symbolizes a true investment for future generations. Through tailored techniques and protective measures, we enhance its chances of thriving amidst climatic challenges and wildlife pressure. 🌿

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19 dez 2024