
Tree-Nation, Espanha


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Jackson Mutua
Jackson Mutua há 5 anos

Hi I got over 25000 moringa aloefera wishing to sell them to my local farmers to plant them... I also have mangoes and pawpaw.. please how will tree nation help me achieve my goals???

pour être sincère le moringa ou mouroungue est vraiment l'arbre par excellence sur différent sujet, santé, nutrition etc. Il faut absolument développer cet arbre

Anonymous há 5 anos

Hi Tree-Nation! Under your listed costs, what are "partnership management costs"? How do they differ from "Reforestation management costs"?
My friends don't want to plant trees on Tree-Nation because there's no answer for the Business Model for months. Myself I don't want to give more until I will know the real detailled Business Model.

R S há 5 anos

How do you audit the plantations? How many of these trees would have been planted anyway? How many never get planted? How many survive for their full lives?

Hello, I am Patrick from DR. Congo, I would like to know if is possible to have a financial support from Tree-nation. We are managing reforest Nyamusisi forest destroyed by local people since several years.
Please, contact me on my mail:

Valentin Fichez
Valentin Fichez há 5 anos

Hello Patrick, has this situation been solved already or are you still waiting for a contact from us ?

Lilly B
Lilly B há 5 anos

Hi there, I appreciate your efforts to indicate CO2 sequestration potential for individual tree species. BUT: Have you checked the info with experts in this field??? On your site you indicate that a baobab has a natural life span of 200 years and will only store 210kg! Are you kidding? This tree species will easily live up to 1000-2000 years, some even longer. And it is enormous... can you please explain why it should only store 210kg? It would be the best if you could publish your calculation methodology, so things become more transparent.

Tree-Nation há 5 anos

Hello Lilly, our calculations for CO2 compensation are based on a lifespan of 20 years. As you mentioned the Baobab has a very long lifetime which means it will compensate more than 210kg over it's life but having a slow growth it will only be able to compensate this amount over the next 20 years.

As a guarantee we’d rather over compensate than underachieving our goal!

David há 5 anos

I would like to know what percentage of our donations goes directly to the reforestation programs, and how much in management expenses.
Please, answer my questions. Thanks.

Anja Laqua
Anja Laqua há 5 anos

Is this answered from tree-nation? If not we can doubt your transparency. Thanks

Tree-Nation há 5 anos

Hello, if you'd like to get extra information about this matter we can email you a financial report with all the needed information!

Sarah Beecham
Sarah Beecham há 5 anos

Hi Tree-Nation! Under your listed costs, what are "partnership management costs"? How do they differ from "Reforestation management costs"?

Ruth McD
Ruth McD há 8 anos

I am so glad to be back here at Tree-Nation. Since the site changed, I couldn't get into my profile. Max emailed me to change my password through my email. So here I am. Missed you all.

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