La Pedregoza

La Pedregoza, Colômbia


Our project focuses on afforestation and reforestation in the Orinoco River basin of Colombia. The goal is to create long-term economic sustainability for the nearby natural reserve, which is dedicated to conserving local flora and fauna. We achieve this by employing natural farming techniques that support both the environment and the surrounding communities.

230,683 Árvores financiados de 229,488
79,047.95 T CO2 Compensado
4,242 Seguidores
fevereiro 2024

It is time to get ready for the nursery and tree planting season of 2024 at La Pedregoza!

The first step is identifying appropriate land for different tree species and mapping out the details like topography and waterflow within the soon to be forest.

Inside La Pedregoza’s

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29 fev 2024