La Pedregoza

La Pedregoza, Colômbia


Our project focuses on afforestation and reforestation in the Orinoco River basin of Colombia. The goal is to create long-term economic sustainability for the nearby natural reserve, which is dedicated to conserving local flora and fauna. We achieve this by employing natural farming techniques that support both the environment and the surrounding communities.

230,683 Árvores financiados de 229,488
79,047.95 T CO2 Compensado
4,242 Seguidores
21 atualizações relacionadas a Organic
julho 2024

La Perdregoza Tree Nursery is thriving with thousands of seedlings in full germination. The rainy season is well underway, and the seedlings respond to it instinctively.

Watching these dormant seeds burst into beautiful seedlings within weeks is truly magical. Such incredible energy

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03 jul 2024

Compromiso con nuestro futuro generacional

fevereiro 2024

Here is a photo of the true heroines of Pedregoza, the Cow Goddesses. The Holy Cow, the Zebu cow (Bos indicus) is worshipped as a Cow Goddess in India because she comes to rescue the planet after it is destroyed and devoid of any vegetation. From the results we have seen, we feel

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18 fev 2024
dezembro 2023

The dry season has started and the first fruits of the Cashew trees are appearing, bringing a big smile to Jordan, one of our wonderful and dedicated workers.

Jordan is delighted to gather up these early fruits which he will use to make a refreshing cashew fruit juice drink,

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21 dez 2023
Oriana Medina TN
Oriana Medina TN · há um ano


setembro 2023

Scientists from Agrosavia, (the scientific, technology and innovation department of the Colombian government ) are visiting Pedregoza's cashew clonal gardens. Agrosavia is doing molecular studies on these plants to determine the exact genetics of the cashew clones.

We are excited

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30 set 2023

These solid log posts are being prepared and sealed for expansion and renovation of our tree nurseries by a completely organic and waterproof tar resin produced on site in our biochar facility.

We only use products produced at Pedregoza whenever possible like these posts from

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23 set 2023
Cynthia Lebo
Cynthia Lebo · há um ano

Wonderful culling and repurposing

agosto 2023

Rainy season brings much needed water to the sun parched soil but along with the rains also comes some occasionally high winds which can cause damage to infrastructure.

This week a strong wind gust damaged the roof of our wood vinegar area but the damage was thankfully minor overall

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19 ago 2023
abril 2019

We plant Acacia mangium for various reasons, but one important reason is to create soil in areas where there is no organic material. That is why Acacia mangium is often used in reclamation projects at mining sites, where the soil has been turned over so many times that no top soil

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28 abr 2019
julho 2017

Many tree species are planted at the peak of the rainy season, so they don't drown, but still get a lot of water with which to develop their root systems. Trees are hand-planted at La Pedregoza, as we prefer the benefits of local socio-economic development to the mechanized approach

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27 jul 2017

At La Pedregoza we are pioneering new planting systems for trees. One method that seems to work really well is to create ditches which run perpendicular to the natural drainage of the terrain. The trees are planted in the higher areas between ditches, which forces shallow rooted

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27 jul 2017
Dexter Dombro
Dexter Dombro · há 8 anos

Our pleasure Alina. When something is a passion, it doesn't seem that much li...

junho 2017

Our biochar plant is up and running, with a daily production of some 2 tons of #biochar. We are also producing about 55 gallons (210 liters) of wood vinegar and 25 KG of wood tar per day.The wood vinegar is an amazing organic fertilizer and insecticide, depending on how it is diluted

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26 jun 2017
abril 2017

Acacia mangium is a great soil restoration species, because it serves 3 functions: First, it grows rapidly, creating cash flow for the forester in just 7 to 10 years. Second, it is a well-known nitrogen fixing tree, important for improving soil. Third, it fixes #carbon and deposits

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30 abr 2017

While #Jatropha_curcas trees are best known as a potential bio-fuel crop, at La Pedregoza we are much more interested in the use of the oil extracted from the fruits and seeds as an organic fungicide and organic insecticide. By using the oil as a natural alternative for that purpose,

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25 abr 2017
janeiro 2017

Our forage harvester machine is working hard to chop grass and other organic material for the production of large 40 ton #compost piles used to fertilize our trees. We also make Bokashi (a fermented compost) with the chopped material, depending on what nutritional needs a tree species

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21 jan 2017
dezembro 2016

The Achiote or Onoto tree (Bixa orellana) is medicinal, but also one of the world's most important organic food colorings. In the picture one can see an amazing insect completely adapted to the Achiote. #Indigenous people used the red color from the seeds as a sun block.

03 dez 2016
junho 2016

The #biochar production plant arrived at the plantation with what seems like 5,000 pieces, so lots to learn and discover. Biochar is a soil amendment that improves the retention of nutrients in the soil. We plan to mix the biochar with our organic composts so that they will last

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23 jun 2016
Marc Vilabadal
Marc Vilabadal · há 9 anos

jajajaja nice photo

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