La Pedregoza

La Pedregoza, Colômbia


Our project focuses on afforestation and reforestation in the Orinoco River basin of Colombia. The goal is to create long-term economic sustainability for the nearby natural reserve, which is dedicated to conserving local flora and fauna. We achieve this by employing natural farming techniques that support both the environment and the surrounding communities.

230,683 Árvores financiados de 229,488
79,047.95 T CO2 Compensado
4,243 Seguidores
junho 2022

These Anacardium Occidentale or Cashew seedlings are all ready and waiting for the rains to be planted. The cashew is native to the region and the native seeds are germinated in our nursery and then grafted with cashew species that produce more fruit. The grafted seedlings have a

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20 jun 2022
maio 2022

Copaifera Pubiflora, known as “Aceite” trees are growing very well in Pedregoza and are producing exceptional seed stock for this year's planting. These harvested seeds are ready for germination in our nursery. Oil extracted from the trunk of adult Copaifera trees is commonly used

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25 mai 2022

We feel massive excitement as we admire some of our very first Caribbean Pine clusters planted some 8 years ago. This survival rate is truly amazing because the soil is not typical for the species, being very rocky, well drained, and acidic the ground normally supports only tufts

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06 mai 2022
abril 2022

Denise is a young indigenous women who has worked with La Pedregoza for 10 years since she was 19 years old! Today she is regarded as an expert cashew seedling grafter, something that takes an extremely detailed eye, steady hand, and in-depth knowledge of the plant to properly and

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30 abr 2022
Kochurani Dombro
Kochurani Dombro · há 3 anos

Hi Louis. My email is

Bio Active Cycles
A close up of one of the 2022 happy and free roaming holy zebu cattle that create some of the most wonderful biological inoculation to our soils. Despite the fact these cattle do not produce a lot of milk or meat, they are a huge part of

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18 abr 2022
Kochurani Dombro
Kochurani Dombro · há 3 anos

Holy Cow!!!!

março 2022

Yucca Harvest time at La Pedregoza.

Food security is a big issue for this region as the soil productivity is generally very low.
Restoring trees to depleted soils can rebuild that much needed organic layer which helps to improve growth.

Each year we see exciting and encouraging

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19 mar 2022

These are the seeds of the rare and endangered Cachicamo ( Calophylum lucidum). In the wild it is a challenge to find mature, seed producing Cachicamo trees as most have sadly been cut down for harvest of the spectacular wood.

To find these rare seed trees we are so lucky to work

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08 mar 2022
Kochurani Dombro
Kochurani Dombro · há 3 anos

Thank you Shylaja. I did not know that Cachicamo grew in Kerala. I am so exci...

fevereiro 2022

The papayas at La Pedregoza are growing really well. The flavors are very tasty because they are grown with pure natural organic fertilizers made from only cow dung and Biochar.

Agroforestry is a critical issue for the future of our planet, the forest must provide enough food and

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23 fev 2022
Shylaja Prem
Shylaja Prem · há 3 anos

👍seeing these pappayas dangling like this, I feel thrilled.The cheapest and ...

Article by La Pedregoza Founder Kochurani Dombro. Jackfruit- largest fruit of all trees. A special tree in my heart because it originates from my h...

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Cashew harvest has started at Pedregoza. The fruits are separated from the nuts and sent away for processing. Once separated the fruit must be used within hours or it will begin to ferment.

Cashew is native to the region and provides an excellent source of food and nutrition to

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04 fev 2022
janeiro 2022

La Pedregoza is aptly named “the rocky place” as soil quality has always been one of our challenges that varies with each new location and species. Every choice we make for planting new areas has lasting effect on the species and forest that will eventually thrive in place. Some

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01 jan 2022

Despite many challenges in a year where the world faced COVID with many ups and downs we can’t help but feel to have seen some of the most exciting...

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junho 2021

The forest has to be seen as an organism in it's entirety from the tips of the leaves all the way down into the dirt of the earth. Just like any living body, it needs a huge range of biological activities to succeed. This is why restoration of depleted soil is always the first step

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08 jun 2021
março 2021

Spring is always an exciting time at La Pedregoza as we start to focus on selecting from the strongest nursery seedlings to prepare them for a new life in the rainforest. Our seeds are started in huge trays by the thousands, but once the seedlings have shown vigorous growth they

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31 mar 2021
fevereiro 2021

Our first month of 2021 has gone by fast but it was filled with good things happening. Despite the difficulty of working with strict COVID rules in place, many happy new seedlings are starting a new life in the Pedregoza rainforest! We are expecting to plant less trees this year

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11 fev 2021