Mlola Biodiversity Restoration

Mlola Biodiversity Restoration, Tanzânia


Our project focuses on restoring biodiversity by engaging local communities in education and tree planting. The Usambara Mountains' forests have suffered from deforestation due to agricultural expansion and logging. We are working to restore these forests by planting native trees and raising environmental awareness in nearby villages.

45,165 Árvores financiados de 45,000
2,573.21 T CO2 Compensado
877 Seguidores
dezembro 2024

Today our project volunteers are taking trees in the dishes to the planting site for its transplantation process. It's really interesting to see the mobilised society parking the trees themselves with happiness as to show their direct involvement to the planting activities. We are

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11 dez 2024
Oriana Medina TN
Oriana Medina TN · há 3 meses
