Our project helps rural communities adopt agroforestry to combat poverty and the effects of climate change. This approach secures food and income while restoring and protecting forests through tree planting. With experience planting over 1,230,000 trees in different districts, we bring proven expertise to these initiatives.
This PSP project in Tanzania is a much-needed initiative given its rationale and approach. It will address numerous challenges facing peasants in the project area. The anticipated direct results includes mitigation of climate change impacts through restoration of forests, increased food diversity that will address malnutrition problems, income generation through sustainable use of forests resources like beekeeping activities.
A support to farmers' managed farming practices that incorporates agroforestry is the right thing to do at this time given the situation that exists in the project area.
Through my numerous work in the project area, For example on rural development initiatives notably through rural tourism program (https://tamadi.org/tanzanie-circuits/) one of the frequently recommended action by stakeholders of the project including tourists and guides was a need to increase the efforts to plant trees for enhancing rural communities livelihoods.
Therefore, this anticipated project through its peasant driven approach is the right initiative to address the existing challenges in Tanzania especially in the project area.
I highly recommend that this project is approved given its importance for humanity and the amount of challenges it will address. I have a first hand experience of the context peasants are facing in the anticipated project and therefore I understand how crucial the initiative is.
Especialidade: Sustainable Rural Development Programs
Through PSP is an important project to the indigenous as it will employ selling fruits hence income that will help them to run their life.
Source of food:
Tree planting will assist indigenous with natural food, as the project for fruit-bearing trees will help local dwellers with natural fruits at lower cost if not free at all.
Environmental benefit:
Tree planting will be a potential project as Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Tree reduce erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce flooding and the effects of flooding.
Ecological significance:
The PSP project will substantiate some benefits to wild animals and birds as Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide also protection, and homes for many birds and wild mammals.
Prefer much more of the bare root planting, this serves so much money since you won’t need the plastic polythene tubes.
Especialidade: Tourism and Environmental.
We can see the difference between all the area that we restore trees about 5 year's back it's amazing and Greene
Especialidade: We rember 10 years back before many project like this we don't have proper rain season but in the future we can stablilize our rain season and help generation to planting domestic fruits trees & timber tree we can stop them to go in to forest to destroy our nature resource .
At Nicalia, we decided to actively collaborate with the "Plant to Stop Poverty" project due to the excellent opportunity it represented to participate in a reforestation initiative that would directly impact the local economy, improving it and providing new opportunities for the population.
From our first contribution, we have felt informed and part of the project, thanks to the frequent updates on its progress and the involvement of its team. They even personally acknowledge some of our contributions.
As a company, we are very pleased to support the project and look forward to continuing our active collaboration in achieving the goal of planting 350,000 trees.
We had a worse experience working on extreme land falling Mountainous regions in May 2016 in Tanzania. The last statement made by the authorities pointed vegetation cleared mountain peaks to have speeded run off which resulted to the disaster. Planting more of these trees along coiled road banks and hill tops would be wonderful for the future operators and villagers.
Climate changes have significant implication to all of us on Earth. Resilience to such changes might be new to most of the pesants in country side Tanzania. Planting trees whether to restore the lost biodiversity or provide food and income for the people is a great idea to simultaneously fulfill conservation and economic empowerment goals. We would rather go for this.
Deforestation statistics in Tanzania are over whelming, Wildlife and eco-tourism which play a vital part to the country GDP are prone to future stump out. Without right measures to prevent this environmental damage the wildlife tourism leading nation of east Africa will suffer from declined tourism activities due to expected animal migrations and disturbed eco systems. Planting trees and preventing people from cutting them by empowering through same planting initiatives is a perfect measure by now.
Starving communities around the reserved areas especially National parks and Nature reserves are marked to have been hubs for poachers and illegal loggers. Killing wildlife for food or cutting down trees for charcoal and wood would wipe out this heritage in Tanzania if we do not have an immediate way forward.
This project is a step towards conservation and community economic empowerment. Please keep up the good work.
I really appreciate
So proud of this work to provide what the community needs while reforesting and bringing back wildlife!
New trees will help reduce "overdependence on forest reserves by providing food, wood, income, soil nutrients, forage and habitat for other living organisms."
They plan to expand to surrounding arounds in the future. Hopefully this project will be the seed for an ever expanding increase in renewal and education in the area.
This project will greatly assist the community in boosting their daily income as well as caring for the environment.
Congratulations to Forest Focus and Tree Nation for your wonderful initiative. I can recateforise your area of focus into three areas, restore, replant and regenerate.
1. Restoration should focus on the institu conservation by restoring the same tree species in the same areas by improving seed germination and community mobilization
2. Replanting should focus on planting new trees to areas where there used to be trees and man made forests such as village forest reserves to make sure that there is no land left bare.
3. Regeneratiion should be practiced in the areas affected by fire, floods, storms and other natural disasters so that they can regenerate by monitoring the condition native species over exotic species.
Along the process education and awareness should be the key towards sustainable tree planting, soil and water conservation.
We thaik tree Nation around the world so we can get supports to plant many trees in our area Lushoto but & other areas us well because trees help to stabilise our rain season arround the world but to make world temperature to get lower as we suppose to see when we growing up
The project is quite good and innovative. My biggest is that, the project area should be increased, there is a lot to be done out there, poverty and ignorance is still a burden to many individuals. Keep it up
This project will act as a key to solve challenges that rural communities confront in their daily life, will ensure enough supply of food provide more and better employment and income… I hope will see more results from it. Good Luck
The project approach and Target reveal the tangible project results on community livelhood improvement especially to the rural setting community.
Since the community them selves are involved in project identification and implement this insure the project sustai ability on the ground.
Thus all environmental stakeholder s are reccomended to join the movement in realizing project targets.
This project will bring both environmental and economic benefits to our Tanzania society, and not only that but also will bring holistic ecological benefits, such as:-
.Will prevent/reduce soil erosion due to plant leaves shedding
.will Stabilize the climate and reversing Global warming
.Will help to create a new ecosystem and so many other benefits.
I submit my short Reviews about this project " Plant & Protect stop hunger Tanzania"
In the world of civilization nature has to be given attention not by stopping people to obtain their normal living. It has to be in a way that people and nature can sustainably co occur.The project sounds innovative since it attracts more planting work for both people and environment..Thumb up for "The Forest Focus"
I think in Africa, particularly Usambara mountain regions, we continue to face environmental problems because we fail to consider societal or community needs .
Think of this, how can poor family that live adjacent to forest reserve (community or government forest) without exploiting it to earn their livelihood? How can you tell these people about conservation while their lives totally depend on available natural resources? How can you preach about climate change and sustainable development to these people?
This to me, is the most serious challenges that face natural resources and environment as whole in Tanzania.
We can not conserve for only ecological purposes, we should also think on how to reduce stresses and over dependence on natural resources like forests.
We should develop some kind of system in which both economic and conservation aspirations are met.
And therefore, I have read this project objectives and find that they are planning to address or solve one of very important roots cause of environmental problem particularly deforestation and overuse of forest resources.
If we support this project, we can achieve two objectives at once while maintaining the principles of sustainable development.
Usambara, is my home. I am very confident with the local communities in conservation because we have been raised under trees, planting trees in our farm lands.
I think, agro forestry if supported well.. can help not only to reduce pressure on natural resources, but also lift thousands of households out extreme poverty.
I am Environmentalist, hold MSc in Natural Resource Management.
My Key areas of interests are Community Based Natural Resource Management and Resources for Poverty Alleviation
The project seems to be a fantastic method to incorporate both commecial peasantry and conservation efforts. The comflict between the two has for centuries led to disastrous environmental outcomes. Species considered in the project will not just stand for environemental reasons, they are expected to have direct economical and sociological benefits to peasants thus increasing their existence value against the ones which when massively planted would have required deliberate cut downs and clear offs to impact the economic situations for the farmers.
Prezado(a) undefined,
Estamos animados em informar que a partir de hoje, 03/06/2024, a Tree-Nation estará transferindo a maioria de nossas operações para nossa empresa espanhola, Neovee Solutions. A entidade Neovee é onde a Tree-Nation foi originalmente fundada e operou por treze anos, e voltamos a ela após um período trabalhando totalmente como uma organização sem fins lucrativos. A partir de agora, a Neovee Solutions gerenciará a plataforma Tree-Nation, enquanto nosso braço sem fins lucrativos se concentrará na pesquisa e desenvolvimento de projetos de micro-conservação.
Como resultado desta transição, a Neovee Solutions se tornará a nova controladora de seus dados pessoais, cuidando de seu armazenamento e processamento. Esta mudança na gestão de dados não impactará sua experiência conosco. A equipe e as atividades da empresa permanecem inalteradas, e seus dados continuarão a ser utilizados apenas para os fins divulgados no momento do registro.
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Nossa equipe está entusiasmada em finalmente anunciar esta transição, pois temos nos preparado para ela durante um ano inteiro. É um passo em direção à expansão de nossos projetos, alinhando-se com nossa missão de plantar um trilhão de árvores até 2050.
Agradecemos seu apoio neste objetivo ambicioso, mas essencial.