Trees for Tribals

Trees for Tribals, Índia

Our project aims to empower the Irula tribe in Tamil Nadu through tree planting initiatives. The Irulas, one of the earliest inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent, face significant socioeconomic challenges as a semi-nomadic, landless community with limited access to education and resources. These vulnerabilities leave them exposed to weather disasters. By creating employment opportunities, enhancing biodiversity, and improving their environment,

310,725 Árvores financiados de 350,000
1,419,451.646 T CO2 Compensado
12,371 Seguidores
Plantar desde 1,50
fevereiro 2025

Teak from the Tribals project! Teak has a unique ability to regenerate and grow rapidly. In its early years, it focuses on developing strong roots, and once established, it shoots up vertically, reaching for sunlight. Unlike many trees, it doesn’t form a canopy but has broad leaves

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27 fev 2025