Trees for Tribals

Trees for Tribals, Índia

Our project aims to empower the Irula tribe in Tamil Nadu through tree planting initiatives. The Irulas, one of the earliest inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent, face significant socioeconomic challenges as a semi-nomadic, landless community with limited access to education and resources. These vulnerabilities leave them exposed to weather disasters. By creating employment opportunities, enhancing biodiversity, and improving their environment,

311,068 Árvores financiados de 350,000
1,419,516.706 T CO2 Compensado
12,384 Seguidores
Plantar desde 1,50
agosto 2023

This is Bastar waterfall, one of our plantation projects is spread across this district. Isn't it beautiful?

Located at a distance of 264 km from Raipur, Bastar is one of the most significant eco-friendly destinations of the country.

Bastar is home to many many waterfalls, this

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29 ago 2023
Amanda Sanghvi
Amanda Sanghvi · há 2 meses

Thanks Cynthia

Bastar: A Biodiverse and Important Region of India

Bastar is a region in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh. It is located in the southeast of the state, and is bordered by the states of Odisha and An...

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Meet, The Banyan Tree: A Living Legend!!!
The banyan tree is a sacred tree for many indigenous peoples in India and Southeast Asia.
Banyan trees can grow to be very large, with some specimens having a trunk diameter of over 100 feet. They can also live for hundreds of years. This

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10 ago 2023
julho 2023

About Bastar Tribe of Chattisgrah

The Bastar tribe in Chhattisgarh is called Bastar because they are the native people of the Bastar region, which is a plateau in the central part o...

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Why are tribes important for India?

Tribes are important for India for a number of reasons, including some of them as below: They are the custodians of India's rich cultural heritage....

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junho 2023

Benefits of Tree specie Arjuna 'Terminalia Arjuna"

The Arjuna tree, scientifically known as Terminalia arjuna, holds great significance for the tribal communities residing in Bastar, Chhattisgarh, I...

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Why Large-scale Plantation at Bastar ?

According to Global Forest Watch, Bastar (Project- District) lost 107ha of humid primary forest between 2002 and 2020, accounting for 2.9 percent o...

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maio 2023

Kalawati Iqbal, a resident of district Bastar in Chhattisgarh, belongs to the Batra tribal class. Unfortunately, her husband, passed away about 8 years ago. Engaged in local forest and conservation activities, Kalawati and her family have been actively involved in raising awareness

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22 mai 2023
maio 2022

Another view of our Kangoli nursery.

25 mai 2022
Véronique Russo
Véronique Russo · há 2 anos

Jolie nursery !

100,000 saplings here at our Kangoli nursery are thriving and will soon be ready to be planted during this year planting season starting in July

25 mai 2022
Kona K
Kona K · há 2 anos

Did they get planted in July? Would love to see the photos of final planting....

This week our team visited our Kangoli nursery to monitor the 100,000 saplings we are going to plant with Tree-Nation during this 2022 planting season. This year due to your continous support we are able to double the 50,000 trees we planted last year with TN. Thank you so much

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25 mai 2022
fevereiro 2022

During this week we visited the planting sites in Bastar district and monitored the 50.000 trees funded by Tree-Nation (planted in 2021 during the last planting season). "Your" trees are growing well : ))

04 fev 2022
Kona K
Kona K · há 3 anos

Lovely to see. My friends donated trees to this project as my birthday gift. ...

novembro 2021

With your support, we have been able to generate employment in the difficult time of COVID - 19, enhancing their socio-economic status.

The planted saplings will also help in rejuvenating water bodies and recharging groundwater.

Furthermore, the plantation of these trees will strengthen

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08 nov 2021

After preparing the terrain our planting team put these 50,000 trees in the ground. We appreciate the contribution made by TREE-NATION to aid in enhancing the livelihood of the tribal people living in these 5 villages.

08 nov 2021
Julien ROUMESY · há 3 anos

continue the hard work !! 👍

Before planting the trees the planting team prepared the location and hole for each of the trees planted on the community lands across 5 village ranges in Bayankaguda, Sukuguda, Durkabeda, Sandhkarmari, Jaitgiri, Badalawand, and Kakalgur within the administrative district of Bastar

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08 nov 2021