Trees for Tribals

Trees for Tribals, Índia

Our project aims to empower the Irula tribe in Tamil Nadu through tree planting initiatives. The Irulas, one of the earliest inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent, face significant socioeconomic challenges as a semi-nomadic, landless community with limited access to education and resources. These vulnerabilities leave them exposed to weather disasters. By creating employment opportunities, enhancing biodiversity, and improving their environment,

310,725 Árvores financiados de 350,000
1,419,451.646 T CO2 Compensado
12,370 Seguidores
Plantar desde 1,50
novembro 2021

During this 2021 planting season we successfully managed to plant the 50,000 trees sponsored by Tree-Nation. Before planting these trees we did extensive training sessions with the local planting team and their families.

Tribal communities, especially women were encouraged to take

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08 nov 2021
outubro 2021

This picture was taken recently and shows our local Trees for Tribals team in the Bastar district (Chhattisgarh) transporting the 50.000 trees funded by Tree-Nation (raised in the nurseries for 6 months with adequate shade) to the plantation sites in 5 respective villages (6.550

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18 out 2021
junho 2021

Soon we will initiate our tree planting, as we are expecting rains at the planting sites hopefully towards the end of this month with the beginning monsoon season. We will keep you updated with plantation photos!

07 jun 2021
Melanie E
Melanie E · há 4 anos

Thank you! 🙏🏼

Despite local lockdown and Covid19 restrictions in the state of Chhattisgarh, our local team at the Kangoli nursery (nearby the village of Jagdalpur) takes good care of the 50.000 trees for Tree-Nation and the trees keep growing fast! We very much appreciate your ongoing support!

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07 jun 2021
Melanie E
Melanie E · há 4 anos

Well done!

fevereiro 2021

This year we will be planting 17 different species for you!

02 fev 2021
Melanie E
Melanie E · há 4 anos

Wow can’t wait to see the progress of all your hard work! 🙏🏼💧🍃🌳

Our Kangoli nursery near Jagdalpur (state of Chhattisgarh, Central India) is now preparing 50.000 saplings for our next planting season starting in June 2021. We hope for your continous support to get these trees in the ground!

02 fev 2021
Melanie E
Melanie E · há 4 anos

I wish I could visit!

janeiro 2021

...despite Covid restrictions we kept planting your trees (after implementing the necessary safety measures to protect our planting team).

#tnphoto #PlantingDay

07 jan 2021
Seamos Bosques
Seamos Bosques · há 4 anos


Our planting team at work planting your trees last autumn....

07 jan 2021
NaveenK. J
NaveenK. J · há 3 anos


Last autumn we finished a very successful planting season and managed to plant more than 50.000 trees thanks to your very generous contributions! We appreciate all your support during 2020 and wish you a bright and healthy 2021!

#tnphoto #PlantingDay

07 jan 2021
Melanie E
Melanie E · há 4 anos


outubro 2020

Forests play an important role in the lives of local communities. The population in the project area primarily consists of tribals, whose mainstay consists of agriculture and collection of forest products. Widespread poverty and lack of opportunities are common in this underdeveloped

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29 out 2020

At the beginning of this year's monsoon season, our Trees for Tribals team prepared the terrain for 25.000 trees sponsored by Tree-Nation. These trees are expected to absorb approximately 500,000 kgs of atmospheric carbon annually, upon maturity. Additionally, our afforestation project

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29 out 2020
Sandra BONNARY · há 4 anos

Merci à vous! Merci de nous permettre de contribuer au bien être de la planèt...

Thank you for all your generous support to get these trees in the ground!

08 out 2020

And they are growing and growing...

08 out 2020

A few weeks ago we inspected our Trees for Tribals planting sites to make sure your trees from last planting seasons keep growing

08 out 2020
abril 2020

As the world faces this global pandemic, we decided to share the status of our project amid lock down.

Our Local Women Self Help Groups members continue their valuable work, on the nursery and on the field, maintaining social distancing. Seed collection, manuring and sowing in

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07 abr 2020
Giulia Recla
Giulia Recla · há 5 anos

Wonderful job guys! ❤️
When you can, give us further updates! 
