Community Tree Planting

Community Tree Planting, Reino Unido

This programme enables UK communities to plant native trees in their local public spaces. At just 13%, the UK currently has one of the lowest rates of tree cover in Europe. Working across the UK, this project will increase tree cover, absorb carbon from the atmosphere, and provide vital habitat for local wildlife. It will also provide a vital community link - therefore encouraging both biodiversity and local communities to flourish once more.

65,770 Árvores financiados de 100,000
8,415.56 T CO2 Compensado
1,761 Seguidores
Plantar desde 5
5 atualizações relacionadas a Organic
janeiro 2024

Our longstanding partner Nature and Nurture Activities have completed their woodland planting at the Blue Cross animal rehoming centre in Burford, West Oxfordshire. Thanks to support from Tree Nation, a wide variety of native species, 1100 in total, have been planted to restock

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25 jan 2024
Adam Druett
Adam Druett · há um ano

Wow, Burford is close to my old childhood home. I must visit this planting si...

An overview of our planting project on the Isle of Arran. This is a community-farm, that produces organic food for local people to buy. Scottish islands are very dependent on imports and this can be very expensive, as well as disconnecting people from the food system.


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25 jan 2024

Great to get some trees planted on the Isle of Arran. This is a very windy place!

Here local schoolchildren are helping plant shelterbelts at the very southern point of the island, providing shelter for organic food production as well as fantastic habitat for wildlife.

25 jan 2024
Wallis Family Trees
Wallis Family Trees · há um ano

Best holiday I ever had was in Arron when I was a child. Stunning place!

novembro 2023

Very excited to be lining up our tree planting projects for the coming season! So far we have project from Kent to Stirling, and many places inbetween, totalling 50,000 trees.

27 nov 2023
David S
David S · há um ano


A thriving oak tree (Quercus robur) at Black Cap, East Sussex (September 2023)

02 nov 2023
Toby Collett
Toby Collett · há um ano

