Dear all followers
I just learned about activities of Tree-Nation works all over the world It is great to hear about this valuable project to help people in the developing world.
For the past several years, we have been working on a volunteer-basis with California resident and Project Leader of the 4-H Million Trees Project , I am Yassin Madiwa Executive director of the Friends of Usambara Society (FOU), a NGO based in the Usambara Mountains of northern Tanzania, on a tree planting project. This year we were able to cobble together a consortium of environmental groups to plant 500,000 trees in the mountains, and aim to plant 1.5 million trees there in 2017. The trees are raised in school tree nurseries where the 4-H youth learn about botany, horticulture, conservation, and climate change while they have fun raising trees in their onsite science labs. The kids also learn from a trees curriculum we provide that stresses learning-by-doing. Trees are planted in and around the #rainforest reserve with the goal to maintain biodiversity in this "hot spot", to protect the water catchment basin, in reforestation projects, along roads as #erosion control, and given to local subsistence farmers to plant in agroforestry. The agroforestry is a major focus because food from these trees can provide much needed nutrition to the kids, and a surplus can be sold at market to raise incomes and improve family livelihoods.
FOU also operates a tour guides tree nursery where the mountain guides raise saplings that eco-tourists plant on their treks. (Generally the people hike along, and then regularly stop to plant some trees to protect the African rainforest or to help the subsistence farmers through agroforestry.) This year the guides raised another 500,000 trees. We are writing to request your support on second phase of planting going to start soon for the year 2017-2018 and our goal is to plant over 1.5 million to 2.5 milions trees when fund are made available.
FOU has a goal to help the people living in and around their area, and the attached Excel file shows their efforts over the past decade. For example, they conceive and operate cultural, educational, and conservation projects such as the new school focused on education for Maasai girls, kilns so women can fire pottery for sale primarily to tourists, and the tree planting. These projects are funded by the Community Development Fund, which receives 20% of gross revenues from the affiliated Usambara Travels (FoU-CTE), which runs the eco and cultural tourism treks through the mountains.
The beauty of working with FOU is that we are excellent communicators and provide regular feedback on our good work. In addition, we make professional videos and take many photos that are posted online on a regular basis. This is so valuable to foreign partners, such as Tree Nation who has been working with us in the past few months. Also, we can raise and plant trees for less than US$0.1/tree, which is remarkable. Please check the FOU Facebook pages to see examples of our recent work.
Thanks again for your valuable work of planting trees in around the Grobal and let us know if there is something and kindly share and follow our work in this platform
Yassin Madiwa
Project Leader
Tanzania 4-H Million Trees Project & FoU Executive Director
Friends of Usambara Society Facebook Page:
(This page has some interesting photos and videos)
Usambara Environmental Rescue Group Facebook Page:
(There are some interesting videos there.)
"Every day is a good day to plant a tree."
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