Usambara Biodiversity Conservation

Usambara Biodiversity Conservation, Tanzânia

Our project aims to preserve biodiversity in the Eastern Arc Mountains rainforest. To achieve this, we focus on reversing deforestation around the Forest Nature Reserve, promoting environmental conservation education, and alleviating extreme poverty through agroforestry initiatives.

4,819,326 Árvores financiados de 5,000,000
2,147,483.647 T CO2 Compensado
129,444 Seguidores
Plantar desde 0,35
dezembro 2023

Beside being commercially and ecologically valuable, plants of the Podocarpus species are also used in traditional medicines in Usambara Mountains for treating asthma, fever, venereal diseases, eye diseases, etc
Support our project by planting with us at the Tree Nation Platform

02 dez 2023