Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects, Madagaskar

Our project aims to restore Madagascar’s mangroves and upland forests through large-scale reforestation efforts. This initiative addresses habitat loss, improves biodiversity, and helps combat climate change by restoring these critical ecosystems.

25,502,687 von 30,825,540 Bäumen finanziert
2,147,483.647 T CO2 kompensiert
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Januar 2024

Mangrove ecosystems are super important! They're like nature's superheroes, protecting coastlines from storms and erosion, providing homes for tons of fish and birds, and even helping to clean our air by storing carbon. These unique trees are a key piece in keeping our oceans and

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24 Jan. 2024
Isabelle Frémont
Isabelle Frémont · vor einem Jahr

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to reforest the mangrove of Madagasca...
