The forest of aates

Hungary July, 24th
Trees 325
Followers 14
Following 10

Forest impact

This year

Evolution of nº of trees planted and CO2 captured

23 trees

Total planted

17 %
United States Wildfire Recovery in California
4 trees
17 %
Kenya Save the Aberdare Forest
4 trees
9 %
Kenya Bore 2 trees
9 %
Tanzania Mlola Biodiversity Restoration 2 trees
9 %
India Trees for Tribals 2 trees
4 %
Spain Alvelal 1 trees

0.02 hectares

Total reforested

17 %
United States Wildfire Recovery in California 0.004 ha
17 %
Tanzania Replanting the burnt Mkussu Forest 0.004 ha
17 %
Kenya Save the Aberdare Forest 0.004 ha
12 %
Kenya Bore 0.003 ha
9 %
Tanzania Mlola Biodiversity Restoration 0.002 ha
7 %
Spain Alvelal 0.002 ha
3 %
India Trees for Tribals 0.001 ha

3.21 tonnes

Total CO2 captured

19 %
Kenya Save the Aberdare Forest 0.60 t
12 %
Kenya Bore 0.40 t
9 %
Tanzania Mlola Biodiversity Restoration 0.30 t
9 %
India Trees for Tribals 0.30 t
6 %
United States Wildfire Recovery in California 0.20 t
< 1 %
Spain Alvelal 0.01 t

Tree planting locations

Species by type

Crescimento rápido 52.2 %
Planta 17.4 %
Majestosa 17.4 %
Agroflorestal 8.7 %
Nutricional 4.3 %

Most planted species

Crescimento rápido
Croton megalocarpus CO2 150 Kg

Croton megalocarpus

Crescimento rápido
Croton megalocarpus CO2 150 Kg

Croton megalocarpus

Olea welwitschii CO2 200 Kg

Olea welwitschii