The forest of Anna Mellin

Trees 55
Followers 2
Following 1

Forest impact

This year

Evolution of nº of trees planted and CO2 captured

9 trees

Total planted

22 %
Kenya Save the Aberdare Forest
2 trees
11 %
Kenya Bore
1 trees
11 %
Tanzania Mlola Biodiversity Restoration 1 trees
11 %
India Trees for Tribals 1 trees

0.01 hectares

Total reforested

23 %
Tanzania Replanting the burnt Mkussu Forest 0.002 ha
23 %
Kenya Save the Aberdare Forest 0.002 ha
15 %
Kenya Bore 0.001 ha
11 %
Tanzania Mlola Biodiversity Restoration 0.001 ha
5 %
India Trees for Tribals 0.000 ha

1.5 tonnes

Total CO2 captured

20 %
Kenya Save the Aberdare Forest 0.30 t
13 %
Kenya Bore 0.20 t
10 %
India Trees for Tribals 0.15 t
10 %
Tanzania Mlola Biodiversity Restoration 0.15 t

Tree planting locations

Species by type

Fast-growing 66.7 %
Majestic 22.2 %
Agroforestry 11.1 %

Most planted species

Croton megalocarpus CO2 150 Kg

Croton megalocarpus

Croton megalocarpus CO2 150 Kg

Croton megalocarpus

Olea welwitschii CO2 200 Kg

Olea welwitschii