The forest of Ceiba Renewables

Trees 2,881
Followers 144
Following 109

Forest impact

This year

Evolution of nº of trees planted and CO2 captured

180 trees

Total planted

44 %
Kenya Eden Reforestation Projects
80 trees
39 %
Senegal Forest Garden Program
70 trees
6 %
Tanzania Mlola Biodiversity Restoration
10 trees

0.18 hectares

Total reforested

44 %
Kenya Eden Reforestation Projects 0.080 ha
39 %
Senegal Forest Garden Program 0.070 ha
6 %
Tanzania Mlola Biodiversity Restoration 0.010 ha

6.9 tonnes

Total CO2 captured

58 %
Kenya Eden Reforestation Projects 4.00 t
20 %
Senegal Forest Garden Program 1.40 t
7 %
Tanzania Mlola Biodiversity Restoration 0.50 t

Tree planting locations

Species by type

Plant 44.4 %
Agroforestry 38.9 %
Medicinal 11.1 %
Fast-growing 5.6 %

Most planted species

Acacia mellifera CO2 20 Kg

Acacia mellifera

Azadirachta indica CO2 50 Kg

Azadirachta indica

Bruguiera gymnorhiza CO2 50 Kg

Bruguiera gymnorhiza

My website CO2 impact

This graph shows how my website's CO2 emissions are being compensated.





How it works

Our Net Zero Website smart label automatically compensates for all the CO2 emissions your website generates. It tracks the website usage and calculates its related emissions, and our system plants the trees needed to offset these emissions. Learn more
