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Replanting the burnt Mkussu Forest

Replanting the burnt Mkussu Forest, Tanzania


Jambo! Our project aims to restore the Mkussu Nature Forest Reserve, one of the nine forest reserves in Lushoto District, after it was damaged by fire. The project focuses on replanting indigenous tree species to rehabilitate the burnt areas, helping to revive this important ecosystem.

112,246 Trees funded of 111,000
13,938.75 T CO2 compensated
Key elements
Project activities
The project is planting trees to re-establish forest cover in an area of forest that has been deforested.
The project works to achieve forest health and biodiversity for the benefit and sustainability of current and future generations.
The project owns areas protected from industrial activity to help preserve species and healthy ecosystems for the future and ensure its long-term sustainability.
The project is planting trees on agricultural land for multiple purposes, including the agricultural use of trees, combined with agricultural crops and/or livestock.
The project is planting trees to create a forest in an area that was previously not forested.
Planting methods
Direct seeding
Direct Seeding
The sowing of seeds directly into the soil where the trees are to be established.
Seedlings transplant
Nursery Seeding
Seedlings transition from the nursery to their permanent site. Seedlings spend 3-6 months in nurseries before being transplanted, usually during the rainy season. The seedling bags are usually plastic. In this case, the seedlings are removed from the bag to be transplanted into the soil.
Eco bags nursery
Nursery Bio
Seedlings transition from the nursery to their permanent site. In this case, the bags used are biodegradable, so there is no need to remove the seedlings, reducing the risk of a transplant shock.
Environmental benefits
CO2 capture
CO2 Capture
The project holds ideal characteristics for carbon sequestration (CO2 offsets). This include a tropical climate zone, fast growing wood species, certain type of forest and project management.
Fauna conservation
Fauna Conservation
Animal species protection is a part of the plantation management, such as creation of safe habitats.
Fighting desertification
Fights Desertification
The project plants trees in arid zones to combat desertification and to help restore degraded land.
Land restoration
Land restoration
The project repairs degraded land back into a healthy and productive land.
Avoiding deforestation
Avoid deforestation
The project sustainable forest management aids to stop deforestation and forest degradation.
Social benefits
Students & volunteers
Students & Volunteers
Projects welcoming students in the context of internships or receiving volunteers.
Food security
Food security
Through a selection of tree species generating edible by-products (fruit, nuts, seeds, edible leafs) the project contributes to improving nutrition of local communities and help the region becoming more resilient to famine.
Poverty relief
Poverty Relief
The project creates employment opportunities for poor local communities and reduces exposure and vulnerability to extreme weather events.
The project helps girls and boys access quality education in properly equipped schools.
Gender equality
Gender equality
The project aims to reduce inequality between women and men, empowering female farmers/workers.
Social economy
Social economy
The project places social welfare above profit; the aim is to enhance the community's quality of life, economically, socially, culturally and environmentally.
Environmental awareness
Environmental awareness
The project cultivates environmental education for adults and/or children to raise environmental awareness.
Social inclusion
Social inclusion
The project promotes initiatives for marginalized group’s social inclusion through education and training.
Local heritage
Local heritage
Local cultural and environmental heritage is promoted, by documenting and preserving traditional practices for future generations knowledge.
Indigenous tribes
Indigenous tribes
Project involves reforestation in protected areas supporting the life of indigenous tribes. Trees are planted by or with the tribes to further protect their habitat and way of living.
The planting team

GHG Reduction Standards

Tree-Nation Methodology

Project description

Mkussu Forest Reserve is among the 9 Nature Forest Reserves located within Lushoto District Council and it is situated at Kwemashai ward within Kwemashai village. This forest was burnt about two years ago and that fire was caused by human economic activities such as charcoal making and searching for fuel wood. Lushoto District is found in West Usambara Mountains in a high-water tower landscape which is the source of water to the Northern Zone of Tanzania.
The overall general objective of this project is to restore the burnt Mkussu Nature Forest Reserve with several indigenous tree species so as to restore some of the burnt places of the forest by planting indigenous trees on it.
Our organization deals with environmental conservation within the Usambara Mountains. The aim of this project is to restore the degraded nature of Mkussu Nature Forest Reserve by planting not less than 500.000 indigenous trees including some indigenous tree species. We reforest areas burnt by wildfires and charcoal-making human activities. Up to April 2022, we have already planted more than 106,000 indigenous trees since this project started in 2019. The main reasons for the degradation of Mkussu Forest Reserve were an increase in the need for timber products from the forest for building purposes and energy like charcoal burners. The second reason is the emergency of fire which led to most of the areas of Mkussu Forest Reserve being burnt and degraded.
Among other species, we are planting mostly Albizia Gummifera also known as ''Mshai'' in Swahili language. This type of indigenous tree is mostly recommended to be planted within a natural forest as it conserves moisture and supports water conservation planted at an altitude of 1500-1600 m with rainfall up to 1040 mm per annum. We have a tree nursery that ensures the sustainability of the project as well as doing the tree planting activities with primary and secondary schools in our school greening program.
Our project work includes close monitoring of all the trees planted in this reforestation project. We do our organization activities with the respect to support we receive from the community.
