Forest Gardens - Simiyu Region

Forest Gardens - Simiyu Region, Tanzania

Our project employs a unique agroforestry approach that benefits local farmers and the environment. Monoculture and logging have degraded the land and left farmers reliant on a single source of income. So far, over 700 farmers are using the Forest Garden approach to rebuild food systems, improve livelihoods, and restore the environment. CO2 per species is rounded to 50kg, as this project is twinned with VCS credits.

338,017 Trees funded of 2,000,000
2,147,483.647 T CO2 compensated
Plant from 1
3 updates related to EnvironmentalAwareness
August 2024

Our program emphasizes continuous education on tree planting, maintenance, and the significant impact trees have on improving the land. Local communities are regularly taught these practices to effectively implement and sustain a Forest Garden.

29 Aug 2024
Enrica C
Enrica C · 7 months ago


January 2024

Including kids in agroforestry practices is vital for a sustainable future. It teaches them essential skills and a strong sense of responsibility, ensuring the continued success of agroforestry for generations.

26 Jan 2024
October 2023

Knowledge is power, and in farming, it’s the seed to prosperity! Through comprehensive training in sustainable practices like intercropping and permagardening, farmers are regenerating their lands and reaping the benefits manifold.

10 Oct 2023