Project: Usambara Biodiversity Conservation, Tanzania
120 ha of the Non Forest Reserve owned by Ndabwa Village located (-4.703292,38.282298), had been destroyed by human activities mostly being cutting down of trees and fire. This area require 133,200 trees of different species to restore the area.
Owner of the terrain:
Markhamia lutea Planted
Anacardium occidentale Expected
Pinus patula Expected
Artocarpus heterophyllus Expected
Artocarpus heterophyllus Expected
Musa acuminata Expected
Coffea arabica Expected
Ficus sur Expected
Ficus thonningii Expected
Rauvolfia caffra Expected
Rauvolfia caffra Expected
Erythrina abyssinica Expected
Podocarpus latifolius Expected
Podocarpus latifolius Expected
Cordia africana Expected
Mangifera indica Expected
Albizia schimperiana Expected
Prunus persica Expected
Macadamia jansenii Expected
Malus pumila Expected
Prunus domestica Expected
Pyrus pyrifolia Expected
Persea americana Expected
Newtonia buchananii Expected
Moringa oleifera Expected
Cupressus lusitanica Expected
Croton megalocarpus Expected
Ocotea usambarensis Expected
Markhamia lutea Expected
Cedrela odorata Expected
Grevillea robusta Expected
Birth of the plantation Mabweni Reserve (2022)
23 February 2022