Project: Usambara Biodiversity Conservation, Tanzania
The project will be implemented in the Western Usambara Mountains in Lushoto, Tanga, Tanzania. The seedlings from the school tree nurseries will be out planted in and adjacent to the Magamba Nature Reserve to rebuild the forest cover. In addition, the pro
Owner of the terrain:
Albizia schimperiana Planted
Albizia gummifera Planted
Musa acuminata Planted
Cordia africana Planted
Ocotea usambarensis Planted
Rauvolfia caffra Planted
Erythrina abyssinica Planted
Podocarpus latifolius Planted
Newtonia buchananii Planted
Ocotea usambarensis Planted
Ficus sur Expected
Rauvolfia caffra Expected
Ficus thonningii Expected
Erythrina abyssinica Expected
Podocarpus latifolius Expected
Moringa oleifera Planted
Newtonia buchananii Planted
Ocotea usambarensis Expected
Cordia africana Expected
Newtonia buchananii Expected
Moringa oleifera Expected
Ocotea usambarensis Expected
Albizia schimperiana Expected
Albizia gummifera Expected
Birth of the plantation Mile 5D Mombo-Lushoto (2016-2017)
09 November 2016