La forêt de SueM

Active seed #299 now. I am focusing on giving thank you drops btw and friends´seeds which have fewer drops. Watering (especially regular drippers) - often leaving only emoticons. Not following new accounts at the moment

Portugal 24 September
Arbres 27,097
Abonnés 297
Suivi 138

Planter une nouvelle graine

Planter une nouvelle graine
SueM planté 1 Arbre
Seed # 300 I struggle to find the words as I plant this final seed for SueM (also SusieS and YogiTN), also my Mum. In her a...
il y a 10 mois
+15 Gouttes d'eau


Mar, 17 +10
Mar, 18 +12
Mar, 19 +20
Mar, 20 +8