La forêt de Olio Canelli

Gli alberi di ulivo sono il nostro asset fondamentale per fare un prodotto di eccellenza. Come azienda agricola biologica siamo attentissimi alla natura e dei suoi equilibri. Con questa iniziativa vogliamo rendere la nostra attività ancora più sostenibile piantando nuovi alberi dove serve di più nel mondo, con lo scopo di aiutare a ricreare gli ecosistemi che stiamo lentamente perdendo.

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827 mises à jour
mars 2017

Climate Change in the Usambara Eastern Arc Mountains

Are you aware that Usambara Mountains is amongst the 23 hotsport biodiversity on the Earth as it is part of Eastern arc Mountains?, as a society we...

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It is only through this simple exercise the world can get rid of Global warming and other alike hazards. We are all victims no matter our locations on earth, let's act quickly for the innocents of the future...plant a tree today. Drop us a word to know more about our activities.

04 mars 2017

As Friends of Usambara Society, we don’t just see a disaster spread and do nothing. What are we going tell our children and grandchildren when they ask of what we did to make earth a safe and sustainable planet for them, their children and their grandchildren? Since we don’t want

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02 mars 2017

Biodiversity in the western Usambara is a part of the world heritage significantly calling for immediate actions due to serious destruction. We all can do our parts to serve no matter how smaller our contributions might be. Alternative energy sources and wood substitutes are key

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02 mars 2017

Sharing nursery experience with the school kids is one of the strategy in this serious campaign. Skills and knowledge obtained through these botanical sets are expected to outrange ongoing forest destruction caused by cultural over reliance on forest resources such as wood. Entrepreneurial

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02 mars 2017

Practical learning is our major concern, school kids in practical lesson preparing their own school nursery. About 8000 trees of four different species will be planted to develop a small school forest.

02 mars 2017

Friends of Usambara Society was created along with the tourism business to promote environmental and cultural conservation, social development, and to help the mountain people graduate from extreme poverty. FOU’s goals are:

1) To protect and reforest the African Rainforest in the

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02 mars 2017

Plant trees to have hope for the future

As Friends of Usambara Society, we don’t just see a disaster spread and do nothing. What are we going tell our children and grandchildren when they...

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Join us to restore Usambara Biodiversity

The global environmental crisis that we’re facing can make our individual efforts seem completely futile. The unprecedented scale of our problems m...

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décembre 2016

Why Tree Planting by Children
Trees planted anywhere in the watershed help to improve water quality by slowing down storm water runoff and reducing soil erosion. They also help lessen flooding. In the woods, trees trap and use up excess nutrients. The forest floor is made up of many

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19 déc. 2016

500,000 tree planted by Friends of Usambara

The mission completed, about 500,000 seedlings has been raised and Currently 4-H clubs are working hard completing planting all over the Usambara t...

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Still on movement, this is typically a war! A war against climate change and global warming. We definitely need to fight against. There are powerful solutions to win, the cheapest of which is planting. Simply planting to make the world a better place for now and the future. 2000

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15 déc. 2016
Friends of Usambara Society

Absolutely John Huang, It is only together we can make the planet better plac...

Markhamea lutea is one of our favorite indigenous tree species. Due to its ecological importance we are obliged to plant as many seedlings as possible in this round. Here are a few on the permanent seed base and 200 ready to plant seedlings taken to Tema village Northwest of Lushoto

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14 déc. 2016
Alex Ordille
Alex Ordille · il y a 8 ans

they look beautiful! let's hope they grow tall and strong

This video was documented in the tree planting event where 29,000+ tree seedlings were grounded at Ndekai-Kwabonda reserved land. The Land is purposely reserved to engineer a forest reserve which will protect potential water sources serving residents of the villages of Ngulwi and

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11 déc. 2016

We are Incorporating an education component in the school tree nurseries such that the next generation of Tanzanian youth understands completely the value of forest and environmental conservation, with the goal to become lifelong forest stewards.The 4-H Clubs Work with the teachers

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03 déc. 2016