Cocoa Farmer Agroforestry

Cocoa Farmer Agroforestry, Cameroun


This Trees for the Future (TREES) agroforestry project in Western Cameroon addresses erosion, food insecurity and the unsustainable farming practices of smallholder cocoa farmers. Through the intercropping of multipurpose trees and fruit trees, this project is helping 500 cocoa farmers to grow higher quality cocoa while improving their land, and livelihoods. We will plant 1 milllion trees (2.000 trees x farmer)

500,166 Arbres financés sur 500,000
316,383.625 T CO2 compensé
8,658 Abonnés
3 mises à jour en rapport avec SocialInclusion
avril 2023

🌳🌿 There's an incredible awakening happening in our communities, thanks to Forest Gardens! Farmers are more engaged and motivated than ever, seeing the numerous benefits that these projects bring. Neighboring villagers are also eager to join the movement, recognizing the positive

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27 avr. 2023

Farmers play a vital role in nurturing our connection with the land. Not only do Forest Gardens offer numerous benefits to farming families and the surrounding environment, but they also help capture an impressive 62.8 metric tonnes of carbon on average over 20 years! Let's celebrate

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19 avr. 2023
juillet 2022

“I am grateful for the skills and knowledge we are getting from the project,” says farmer Wabwire Johnson

12 juil. 2022
Mark Keltle
Mark Keltle · il y a 3 ans

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