Agroforesterie et Boisement

Agroforesterie et Boisement, France

Our project aims to transform former agricultural fields into sustainable agroforestry systems. By combining agriculture with forestry, we reforest unused land and shift away from unsustainable farming practices. This approach reduces the use of pesticides and fertilizers, prevents erosion, enhances biodiversity, offsets CO2 emissions, and improves the health and livelihoods of local farmers.

184,332 Arbres financรฉs sur 250,000
22,683.735 T CO2 compensรฉ
6,158 Abonnรฉs
Planter dรจs 2โ‚ฌ
octobre 2024

๐ŸŒฑ New Afforestation Project
A new row of protected young trees has just been planted on this plot. This afforestation project aims to restore local ecosystems and enhance biodiversity while improving soil quality. With proper protection, these young plants are better equipped to

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29 oct. 2024