Community Forest Sowing

Community Forest Sowing, Guinée


This project, together with the local NGO Guidre uses a mix of 40 local tree species as mixed plantations are more sustainable + proven to fix more CO2. Seeds are collected by local farmers. Valuing their forest assets promotes agroforestry practices. Seeds are coated with a natural mixture to protect them from insects until the rainy season, then seedballs are dispersed by direct sowing. Nature choses which will germinate (min. 500 trees xha)

74,935 Arbres financés sur 75,000
302,716.42 T CO2 compensé
1,444 Abonnés
février 2022

In the field, in the first 9 villages, 180 families have already joined the arboRise project. And the 90 “seed families” have started to harvest the tree seeds, after assessing the health and maturity of their seed tree.

25 févr. 2022
La Asociación Huella de Carbono

Good news !!