Our project aims to conserve vulnerable tropical forests by working with subsistence farmers in Kenya to promote sustainable agriculture. Research shows that protecting these forests is essential to preventing irreversible climate breakdown. Since 2007, we’ve helped farmers grow new food and timber crops that enhance biodiversity and reduce pressure on the threatened forests, ensuring long-term sustainability.
As an experienced Forest Manager working for the Welsh Government who has first hand experience of this project I can recommend it 100%. In 2017/18 I conducted extended research for an MPhil on the project plantation carbon absorption which entailed field visits and direct DBH trunk measurements allied to a comprehensive literature review and sophisticated statistical analysis to determine how much atmospheric CO2 a typical farmer or school plantation on the project will absorb over a range of given timescales. Great Initiative. Well done.
Expertise :
I have visited this project as a development volunteer on 3 international trips to support the Kenyan team around WASH projects and I can confirm that this is true bottom up development work in action. Most of the key decisions are made by the farmers who plant the trees themselves.
Excellent. 5 Stars.
Expertise : Experienced WASH development volunteer
I have visited the project on two occasions, and plan on a third visit soon. The community spirit behind this project is what makes it really special. As an ecologist working in Denmark and the UK it was remarkable to see the rate at which the trees in Bore grow. They were towering over me after only three years in the ground.
The people behind the trees are incredibly passionate about their project, it was an honour to meet with them and exchange ideas. I'm looking forward to a return trip soon.
Expertise : Ecology, Biodiversity, Zoology
Yes, I would recommend this project to anyone that is concerned about tropical deforestation because it is run by Ru Hartwell who has shown over 40 years of tree planting that he means business! I helped Ru set up Treeflights in 2006 and so I have seen at first hand how hard he works on getting more trees in the ground.
Expertise : Gardener, tree lover and experienced carbon offset forester
I have been directly involved with the reforestation scheme in Bore for many years (3 project visits), mainly as an anthropologist and advocate - ensuring that all the diverse project development interventions work to the full advantage of the local people, take account of THEIR cultural values and work positively and inclusively for the entire community. Beyond that, in my role as Programme Director for Anthropology at the University of Wales (TSD) I have been active in a range of student led fund raising initiatives to support the tree planting, encourage volunteering and develop our undergraduates as 'Global Citizens'.
Expertise : Programme Director - Anthropology, UWTSD, UK Green Gown Sustainability Award Winner 2016
We've worked closely with Tree Nation to help reforest Bore in Kenya with our Magic Oxygen Literary Prize project and they have been outstandingly helpful and forthcoming with practical support.
They undoubtedly have the needs of the planet running through their veins and that integrity shines like a beacon of hope for us all.
I have no hesitation recommending you to partner with this organisation for the greater good and am sure remarkable things will happen as a result.
Tracey West
Co-founder Magic Oxygen Publishing
I have been to the Boré Forestry project on 2 occasions. The first was to conduct research into carbon absorption by the trees and second was to scope out some sustainable forestry opportunities. I can confirm that the project is well run and is enormously beneficial to the primary stakeholders who are the Giriama subsistence farmers mostly living in Kilifi County of Coast Province, Kenya.
As a film maker I have visited projects worldwide and this one is world class. The Bore projects community centre is an incredible place to be and the folks working there exude positivity and can do attitude and it feels like a place that is just going forward. Highly recommend a few days stay here to see how community development can be done. Whilst there I made films about the tree planting and community development work
brilliant project. I have seen it evolve into a large project. there has been great community involvement in both Wales and in Kenya. I strongly believe that project like this will help save the future of the planet. We really need more of this!
It is really amazing what you guys are doing. I have seen the last picture you posted about the new seedlings, a new green army ready to help this planet and the future generations across the whole world. Great!!!
Congrats for all your hard work!
Great cause created by a great man who is inspirational and passionate!
Bring on the trees!!
As an author with Magic Oxygen I am proud to be involved with the project, to donate and to support the MOLP anthology. It feels like a personal part of my climate activism.
Tree Nation are very supportive of my publisher, Magic Oxygen, who are working with the local people to plant lots more trees in Bore, Kenya. It's a brilliant project that helps the people involved as well as the Earth's climate. Thank you Tree Nation!
I have been and will continue to support this amazing charity. It brings tears to my eyes every time I see pictures and videos . Please spread the word and do all you can
Much love from a huge fan xx
I am one half of Magic Oxygen and we asked Ru to plant a tree for each of our literary prize entries. Two years on we have had nearly 3,000 trees planted and a classroom built at Kundeni primary school.
Ru and the Bore team are dedicated and passionate. If you want to set up a project to plant a lot of trees these are the people to help.
For more details on how we worked with Ru visit http://www.magicoxygen.co.uk/2015/08/molp-the-movie/
I think this is a great project that is making big changes for African people and their forest. Keep doing more tree planting in Kenya!
This is so good! I have visited the project in Kenya as a volunteer and seen the good work that is happening far beyond the tree planting and forest protection. This community of farmers work really hard to plant and protect the trees. Well Done and keep it up.
Cher(e) undefined,
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