Bosques de Agua

Bosques de Agua, Argentine

Our project is focused on restoring Córdoba's high-altitude forests, which are essential to the region's water supply. With only 3% of these forests remaining, they continue to serve as natural reservoirs, providing water to 90% of the population. By replanting native Tabaquillo trees (Polylepis australis), we aim to bring back forests to the mountains again while protecting biodiversity, and secure water resources for future generations.

20,555 Arbres financés sur 20,000
883.65 T CO2 compensé
419 Abonnés
Planter dès 2,50
9 mises à jour en rapport avec SocialInclusion
juin 2024

Volunteer experiences are one of the ways we have found to expand and mobilize more people in our purpose of restoring high altitude forests.

In the last two years, more than 500 volunteers have participated in our volunteer workdays. They did the work of sowing, transplanting and

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19 juin 2024
Elloa · il y a 9 mois

I would be very interested in volunteering. How does one proceed to join the ...

mars 2024

We set ourselves a challenge, to share this experience with volunteers. We organized a day to replant seedlings that will later be planted in the Bosques de Agua Reserve and more than 70 volunteers are now part of this mission, Would you like to join us?

12 mars 2024
Heilvolle Impulse
Heilvolle Impulse · il y a un an


février 2024

This team is ready to succed! we have reached 100,000. We are happy to have made it this far, a lot of team work was necessary to make the wells, plant and water each one with the best quality so that they can thrive. We hope you can see this forest grow!
Please add your comment

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28 févr. 2024
Valéria Testa TN
Valéria Testa TN · il y a un an

Congratulations to this amazing team on reaching the milestone of 100,000! 🌳🎉

We reached the first 50 thousand trees planted! And it is thanks to people like you and this community that supports us. Thank you for making this possible!

Today we introduce the equipment that makes the wells.

14 févr. 2024
Valéria Testa TN
Valéria Testa TN · il y a un an

Congratulations on reaching 50k trees planted! 🎉🌳

décembre 2023

(EN) . In order to make this a reality, Bosques de Agua has the support of a team of people who are the heart of this project. Generating opportunities for more people to create forests, valuing the work of restoring our ecosystems is part of our values and we are grateful to you

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04 déc. 2023
novembre 2023

Social impact
In the last 60 years, the population in Pampa de Achala has decreased by 95 percent. Lack of work and extreme weather conditions were the main causes of migration to the lowland villages. These settlers, who all their lives were part of a culture that encouraged the

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01 nov. 2023
août 2023

(EN) Community planting: working on community awareness and sensitization is another fundamental point for BDA. We invite 50 volunteers to be part of this mission, sowing in community is to create new links, it is to create a new reality.
(SP) Siembra comunitaria: trabajar

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16 août 2023

(EN) Work begins in a high altitude nursery with local people from the Córdoba mountains. Professionalizing this type of work is part of our purpose, that is why we train our team so that they can take on new responsibilities and share their knowledge forming the new team!

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07 août 2023
juin 2023

(EN) At Bosques de Agua we want to guarantee the quality of our nursery production, that is why we are carrying out analyses and laboratory tests that allow us to improve the germination power and percentage of success for Polylepis australis. This also contributes to the training

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21 juin 2023