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Climate Smart Forests Transylvania

Climate Smart Forests Transylvania, Roumanie

We are restoring the wind-damaged forests of Transylvania to increase their resilience against the impacts of climate change. The disruption of conditions that forests have adapted to over centuries has left them vulnerable and prone to further deterioration. By reintroducing oak species and replanting with native trees, we aim to strengthen these forests to withstand future changes and conserve the natural habitat of many local animals.

13,380 Arbres financés sur 20,000
1,146.55 T CO2 compensé
472 Abonnés
Planter dès 2,20
5 mises à jour en rapport avec Conservation
juin 2024

When the trees are the understory

European beech (Fagus sylvatica), spruce (Picea abies), silver fir (Abies alba), rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), and sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus)...

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mai 2024

Whoever loves flowers cannot be a bad person. :) A brown bear smelling a flower in one of the pictures captured by our camera trap, which is mounted within walking distance of our oak planting site ( The area is inhabited by bears, and the

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03 mai 2024
Roxanne C
Roxanne C · il y a un an


novembre 2023

Pollen in Lake Sediments: Traces of Past Forests

We are planting oak (Quercus sp.) trees in the Ciuc Basin of the Eastern Carpathians. In the spring, we will be planting oak trees near the Ciomad ...

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Autumn, the colorful season.

Leaves collected in the last days from tree species we are going to plant in the spring as part of our ongoing effort to regenerate resilient mixed...

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octobre 2023

Why are we planting mixed forests in place of wind-damaged spruce (Picea abies) stands?

Climate change is expected to cause shifts in vegetation zones to higher elevations, leading to the loss of certain species and ecosystems. The cli...

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